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labs-o-share Build Status

Social media and URL sharing buttons.

  • Provides the ability to share a URL provided by the product
  • Uses a standard set of social media icons.
  • Provides a copyable representation of a link
  • Integrates with the gift URL service to provide gifting options

Browser Support

Tested and working on:

Browsers Primary Experience Core Experience
Chrome 35+ 35+
Firefox 30+ 30+
Safari 7+ 7+
IE 8+ 8+

Known issues:

Getting started

A simple example of the markup is shown in the standard.mustache demo file in /demos/src.

The options are:

  • url: The URL to be shared.
  • title: The title of the content to be shared
  • titleExtra: Any additional text relating to the title, e.g. site section.
  • summary: Summary text to be shared.
  • relatedTwitterAccounts: Comma-separated list of Twitter accounts to encourage the user to follow. See Twitter intents for more info.

The social networks are (in the order suggested by the design team):

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Whatsapp (note: this link does nothing if Whatsapp is not installed)

The following networks are available, but are considered superfluous for most FT products.

  • Google+ (written as 'googleplus' in the links config option)
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest
  • URL (for copy/paste)
  • Mail (for email)



To instantiate the JavaScript:

var oShare = require('o-share');
var oShareInstance = new oShare(document.querySelector('[data-o-component=o-share]'));

You can also instantiate all instances in your page by running oShare.init which returns an array with all of them.

Alternatively, an o.DOMContentLoaded event can be dispatched on the document to run #init():

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('o.DOMContentLoaded'));

Check out the API docs


@import 'labs-o-share/main';

We also support silent mode. So if you want to use all the default labs-o-share classes, you need to set it to false:

$labs-o-share-is-silent: false;

If not, you can just use our mixins to set you custom class.

Check out the API docs

Core experience

To support core experience, you need to include the complete markup directly.

Social media share buttons will function as plain <a> elements (and can be set to target="_blank" if the product wishes.

Custom element

It also registers the custom <o-share> element which you can use. And you can use it via JavaScript by using the #element attribute like this:

var labsOShare = require('labs-o-share');
var labsOShareElement = new labsOShare.Element();
// Set all the data attributes
var labsOShareInstance = new labsOShare(labsOShareElement);


This module will trigger the following events on its root element:

  • labsOShare.ready - when a share links behaviour has been initialised
  • - when a share link has been opened (popup/flyout opened as a result of button click)
  • labsOShare.copy - when the URL has been copied


This software is published by the Financial Times under the MIT licence.




  • JavaScript 67.1%
  • SCSS 16.8%
  • HTML 16.1%