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Topic #41: Qbluetooth undefined reference to

Nikolaos Ftylitakis edited this page Mar 11, 2015 · 1 revision
Author:     user1
Created:    08/28/11 23:50:49

Hi, sorry for my english, i’m italian. I’m trying to use this library but i have some problems, on symbian all works fine but when i try to build the same project for desktop i get the undefined reference for all the function of the library i used. i putted the headers in C:\QBluetooth ad the QBluetooth_0x2003328D.dll and QBluetooth_0x2003328D.lib in C:\QBluetooth\Libs\ so i insert the following lines in the pro file :

INCLUDEPATH += C:\QBluetooth LIBS += C:\QBluetooth\Libs\QBluetooth_0x2003328D.dll

it seams is a problem white the dll…​ i downloaded already compiled but i think it doesn’t matter…​ thanks to anyone who will help me :)

Author:     favoritas37
Created:    08/29/11 09:46:11

The problem is this line: LIBS += C:\QBluetooth\Libs\QBluetooth_0x2003328D.dll

change it with this one: LIBS += -lC:\QBluetooth\Libs\QBluetooth_0x2003328D.dll


Author:     user1
Created:    08/29/11 13:33:22

thank you for the response.

i don’t know exactly what the .lib file is , so i included the .dll :D

i replace that line but now i get this error 👎 error: cannot find -lC:\QBluetooth\Libs\QBluetooth_0x2003328D

if i understood what you say in the second PS i putted the .dll also here : C:\Programmi\OnlyASymbyanTest-build-desktop\debug (onlyASymbyanTest is only the name of the project)

i’m working on this problem from several weeks my mind is melting :P

Author:     favoritas37
Created:    08/29/11 14:52:53

Replace with this one:

LIBS += -LC:/QBluetooth/Libs \

The simplest thing you could is to put the QBluetooth folder in the folder of your project.

So you will place the QBluetooth folder in C:\Programmi\OnlyASymbyanTest.

Then in the .pro file you will write:

LIBS += -lQBluetooth/Libs/QBluetooth_0x2003328D

Generally speaking it would be good to read this [ wiki page].

Author:     user1
Created:    08/29/11 15:31:16

i said a wrong thing but i fixed it (i fixed the paths) …​ the project name is : WillWork

however with the firs option i get the undefined reference error. whit the second i get 👎 error: cannot find -lQBluetooth/Libs/QBluetooth_0x2003328D.

i already read the wiki page you suggest a lot of times but i didn’t managed to get i working so i write on this forum.

probably i’m doing something wrong…​ i try to post the pro file…​ perhaps you may see something wrong..

symbian:TARGET.UID3 = 0xE552E1A7

symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += NetworkServices LocalServices UserEnvironment


LIBS += -lQBluetooth/Libs/QBluetooth_0x2003328D


symbian {
LIBS += -lQBluetooth
INCLUDEPATH += $$EPOCROOT\epoc32\include\QBluetooth


    mainwindow.cpp \
Author:     user1
Created:    08/29/11 16:22:16

it seams it’s already installed…​ the box is checked so it is installed…​

Author:     user1
Created:    08/30/11 14:20:31

I also tried on another pc even if the MSVC 2008 is installed the tool chain is not set…​ maybe i have to install something manually?

Author:     pablomtz
Created:    09/09/11 01:00:32

Hi Rajeevsahu!

Could you solved this? ..I think i’m having the same problem!

I need to receive hexa data, but I’m receive "3f" if the data is bigger than "7f" !


Author:     user1
Created:    09/18/11 20:31:28

Hi favoritas37 i finally managed to fix the problem, i installed Visual C 2008 Express and now i have "Microsoft Visual c Compiler 9.0(x86) as toolchain. Now if i build the project all work fine, but if i run the project it exit with code -1073741515. if i remove all the bluetooth code from the project (like object declaration and other stuf) it works.

thank you in advance

Author:     favoritas37
Created:    09/19/11 13:59:51

Where exactly are you having errors. Can you run the project step by step to see which exact command gives you that error?

Author:     user1
Created:    09/19/11 15:25:48

if i try to use the debug i get 2 messages…​ the first say Warning : the preferred debugger engine for debugging binaries of type 'x86-windows-mvsc2008-pe-32bit' is not aviable, the debugger 'gdb engine' will be used as fallback the second is an error : An exception was triggered : exception at 0x7c964ed1,code: 0x0000135:Dll not found,flags=0x0. During srartup program exited with code 0x0000135.

however i get error only if a try to create any object of the Qbluetoot library…​

Author:     user1
Created:    09/19/11 15:59:40

i tried to run the application both on windows7 64bit and xp 32bit(on a vm) but the error is the same maybe the Visual C++ 2008 Express i installed in not correct to compile and link the program…​ i don’t know…​ i tryed for 2 week to add that damn tool chain :)

Author:     user1
Created:    09/29/11 01:00:40

Thank you favoritas37 ! i finally managed to get it working! i compile the library but i had the same problems…​ finally i realized that i haven’t installed the bluesoleil drivers! so i downloaded the program bluesoleil 8.0, the program installed the drivers and the needed library(the error code i had : -1073741515 means that some dll are missing in my case the bluesolei dlls) now it works!!! now i have a second question…​ the program is a 15day trial…​ but i don’t understand if also the drivers are under the trial license…​ i will use my program for non commercial use…​ i have to buy the bluesoleil program even if i don’t use the program but only the drivers?

thank you!

Author:     favoritas37
Created:    09/29/11 12:11:18

Unfortunately that is the catch with windows implementation. When the trial ends you can use the bluetooth to transfer at most 2MB per day at the free version.

FYI: The supported Bluesoleil drivers are from version 6.x and on.

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