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Merge branch 'feature/schema-redesign' into develop
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awkay committed Dec 7, 2019
2 parents e1c4b71 + 4386d10 commit a321576
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Showing 50 changed files with 1,525 additions and 1,401 deletions.
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions README.adoc
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ This library is currently in an experimental phase. It should *not* be used in a
system unless you feel ok about forking it and maintaining the fork. Once the ideas have
stabilized then I may do an official release with stable documentation and APIs.

See the[YouTube Video] for a demonstration of a working prototype.

HELP WANTED: This project is more ambitious than my time will allow. If you have Clojure chops and are
interested in helping, please let me know.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,8 +46,6 @@ library extensions can easily add capabilities.
** Pretty much everything from "Forms", but for read-only display.
** Completely generated output, with ability to incrementally override.

See the[YouTube Video] for a demonstration of a working prototype.

== Ideas

* A state machine to manage auth context. For example, you have auth in a google domain, a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,22 @@ be emitted (and customized) for web + native from the same declarations.

== Development

WARNING: These steps are not authoritative across time. This project is in dynamic flux.

Basically you will generally need to do something along the lines of:

[source, bash]
npm install
shadow-cljs server # follow instructions to get to URL of browser-based control panel to start builds
# in another terminal
clj -A:dev # to get a REPL for running server stuff

See the current example source middleware for additional instructions. The `development.clj` ns will typically
have startup helpers, and the config generally has the app at `http://localhost:3000` after a server is started.

=== Setup

For any contributors wanting to run this, please see:
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions deps.edn
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
camel-snake-kebab {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}
com.taoensso/encore {:mvn/version "2.115.0"}
com.fulcrologic/fulcro {:mvn/version "3.0.13-SNAPSHOT"}
org.postgresql/postgresql {:mvn/version "42.2.8"}
com.fulcrologic/guardrails {:mvn/version "0.0.9"}
com.wsscode/pathom {:mvn/version "2.2.26"}
org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.1" :scope "provided"}
Expand All @@ -24,7 +25,6 @@
:exclusions [org.slf4j/slf4j-nop]}
vvvvalvalval/datomock {:mvn/version "0.2.2"}
com.fulcrologic/semantic-ui-wrapper {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}
org.postgresql/postgresql {:mvn/version "42.2.8"}
mount {:mvn/version "0.1.12"}

;; Unified logging for server
Expand All @@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j {:mvn/version "1.7.25"} ; auto-sends java.common.logging to slf4j
com.fzakaria/slf4j-timbre {:mvn/version "0.3.7"} ; hooks slf4j to timbre

http-kit {:mvn/version "2.3.0"}
binaryage/devtools {:mvn/version "0.9.10"}
ring/ring-defaults {:mvn/version "0.3.2"}
ring/ring-core {:mvn/version "1.7.1"}
org.immutant/web {:mvn/version "2.1.10"}
org.clojure/tools.namespace {:mvn/version "0.3.1"}}}}}
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions docs/datomic.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
= Datomic Database Plugin

The following namespace aliases are used in the content of this document:

[source, clojure]
(ns x
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes :as attr]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.database-adapters.datomic :as datomic]))

== Schemas

It is common for larger applications to desire some kind of sharding of their data, particularly
in cases of high write load. The Datomic plugin has you model attributes on a Datomic schema
which can then be applied to any number of runtime databases in your application. Of course, you
must have some scheme for selecting the *correct* runtime database for mutations and read resolvers
during operation.

=== Attribute Facets

Every attribute in the system that is stored in Datomic using this plugin *must* include
a `::datomic/schema <k>` entry, where `<k>` is a keyword representing a schema name. All attributes
that share the same schema name will be stored together in a database that has that schema (see
Selecting a Database During Operation).

The following common attribute keys are supported automatically:

`::attr/unique?`:: Causes the attribute to be a unique *value*, unless a Datomic-specific
override for uniqueness is supplied or the attribute is marked as an `::attr/identity?`.
`::attr/identity?`:: Causes the attribute to be a unique *identity*. If supplied, then `::attr/unique?` is
`::attr/cardinality`:: `:one` or `:many` (or you can specify it with normal datomic keys).

The plugin-specific attribute parameters are:

`::datomic/schema keyword`:: (required) A name that groups together attributes that go together in a schema
on a database. A schema can be used on any number of databased (e.g. for sharding).
`::datomic/entity-ids #{k k2 ...}`:: Required on *non*-identity attributes.
A set of attribute keys that are `:attr/identity? true`. This
set indicates that the attribute can be *placed* on an entity that is identified by one of those identity attributes.
This allows the Datomic plugin to figure out which properties can be co-located on an entity for storage
in form saves and queries in resolvers. It is a set in order to support the fact that Datomic allows
an attribute to appear on any entity, but your domain model will put it on a more limited subset of
different entities. Failing to list this entry will result in failure to generate resolvers
or form save logic for the attribute.

*Any* of the normal Datomic schema definition attributes can be included as well (e.g. `:db/cardinality`), and
will take precedence over anything above. Be careful when changing these, as the result can cause
incompatible change errors.

=== Automatic Generation

During development you may choose to create a transaction that can be used to create/update
the schema in one or more Datomic databases. This feature is will work as long as your team
follows a strict policy of only ever making compatible changes to schema (e.g. mostly additions).

This feature is great for early development, but it may become necessary over time to
adopt a migration system or other more manual schema management policy. This feature
is therefore easy to opt in/out of at any time.

You can pull the current generated schema from the attribute database using
`(datomic/automatic-schema schema-key)`. NOTE: You must require all namespaces in
your model that define attributes to ensure that they are all included in the generated

==== Enumerations

The idiomatic way to represent enumerations in Datomic is with a ref and a set of entities known by
well-known idents. The following is supported during automatic schema generation:

[source, clojure]
(new-attribute :address/state :enum
{:attr/enumerated-values #{:AL :address.state/CA {:db/ident :address.state/OR :db/doc "Oregon"}}})

All three of the above forms are allowed. An unqualified keyword will be auto-qualified (AL and CA above
could be represented either way), and a map will be treated like a full-blown entity definition
(will be passed through untouched to the schema).

=== Validation

If you are not using automatic schema generation then it is recommended that you at least
enable schema *validation*. This feature can be used to check the schema of an existing
database against the current code of your attributes to detect inconsistencies between
the two at startup. This ensures you will not run into runtime errors due to code that
does not match the schema of the target database.

TODO: Write the validator, and document it.

== Databases

It is up to you to configure, create, migrate, and manage your database infrastructure; however,
this plugin comes with various ustilities that can help you set up and manage the runtime
environment. You *must* follow certain conventions for things to work at all, and *may choose* to
opt into various features that make it easy to get started and evolve your system.

== Runtime Operation

=== Mocked Connections during Development

The Datomock library is a particularly useful tool during experimental phases of development where
you have yet to stabilize a particular portion of schema (attribute declarations). It allows you to
"fork" a real database connection such that any changes (to schema or otherwise) are thrown away on
application restarts.

This allows you to play with new schema without worrying about incompatible schema changes.

It is also quite useful for testing, since it can be used to pre-create (and cache) an in memory database
that can be used to exercise Datomic code against your schema without the complete overhead of
starting an external database with new schema.

=== Selecting a Database During Operation

When you set up your Pathom parser you can provide plugins that modify the environment that will
be passed by Pathom to all resolvers and mutations on the server. The generated resolvers and mutations
for the Datomic plugin need to be able to decide *which* database should be used for a
particular schema in the context of the request. Atomic consistency on reads requires that such a database
be provided as a value, whereas mutations will need a connection.

The `env` must therefore be augmented to contain the following well-known things:

`::datomic/connections` - A map, keyed by schema, of the database connection that should be used
in the context of the current request.
`::datomic/databases` - A map, keyed by schema, of the most recent database value that
should be used in the context of the current request (for consistent reads across multiple resolvers).

TODO: Supply helper funtions that can help with this

== Testing

Custom mutations and resolvers are easiest to write if you have a simple way of
testing them against a database that looks like your real one.
This plugin supports some helpful testing tools that leverage Datomock to give you a
fast an consistent starting point for your tests.

=== Seeding Development Data

We recommend using UUID domain IDs for all entities (e.g. `:account/id`). This not only enables
much of the resolver logic, it also allows you to easily and consistently seed development
data for things like live coding and tests.

The `com.fulcrologic.rad.ids/new-uuid` function can be used to generate a new random UUID in CLJC, but
it can also be used to generate a constant (well-known) UUID for testing.

=== A Sample Test

The core function to use is `datomic/empty-db-connection`, which can work with
automatically-generated schema or a manual schema. It returns a Datomic connection
which has the supplied schema (and is memoized for fast startup on sequences of tests).

A typical test might look like the following:

[source, clojure]
(deftest sample-test
;; the empty-db-connection can accept a schema txn if needed.
(let [conn (datomic/empty-db-connection :production)
sample-data [{::acct/id (new-uuid 1)
::acct/name "Joe"}]]
@(d/transact conn sample-data)
(let [db (d/db conn)
a (d/pull db [::acct/name] [::acct/id (new-uuid 1)])]
(is (= "Joe" (::acct/name a))))))

NOTE: The connection is memoized based on the schema key (not any supplied migration data). You
can use `(datomic/reset-test-schema k)` to forget the current memoized version.

== Resolver Generation

77 changes: 35 additions & 42 deletions src/dev/development.clj
Expand Up @@ -3,15 +3,12 @@
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.repl :refer [doc source]]
[ :as tools-ns :refer [disable-reload! refresh clear set-refresh-dirs]]
[com.example.components.datomic :refer [production-database]]
[com.example.components.datomic :refer [datomic-connections]]
[com.example.model.account :as account]
[com.example.model.employee :as employee]
[com.example.schema :as ex-schema :refer [latest-schema prior-schema]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.ids :refer [new-uuid]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.database-adapters.datomic :as datomic]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.database-adapters.db-adapter :as dba]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.database-adapters.postgresql :as psql]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.resolvers :as res]
[mount.core :as mount]
Expand All @@ -20,36 +17,38 @@
[com.fulcrologic.rad.attributes :as attr]))

(defn seed []
(let [u new-uuid
{:keys [connection]} production-database]
(d/transact connection [{::account/id (u 1)
::account/name "Joe Blow"
::account/email ""
::account/active? true
::account/password (attr/encrypt "letmein" "some-salt"
(attr/key->attribute ::account/password)))}
{::account/id (u 2)
::account/name "Sam Hill"
::account/email ""
::account/active? false
::account/password (attr/encrypt "letmein" "some-salt"
(attr/key->attribute ::account/password)))}
{::account/id (u 3)
::account/name "Jose Haplon"
::account/email ""
::account/active? true
::account/password (attr/encrypt "letmein" "some-salt"
(attr/key->attribute ::account/password)))}
{::account/id (u 4)
::account/name "Rose Small"
::account/email ""
::account/active? true
::account/password (attr/encrypt "letmein" "some-salt"
(attr/key->attribute ::account/password)))}])))
(let [u new-uuid
connection (:main datomic-connections)]
(when connection
(log/info "SEEDING data.")
@(d/transact connection [{::account/id (u 1)
::account/name "Joe Blow"
::account/email ""
::account/active? true
::account/password (attr/encrypt "letmein" "some-salt"
(attr/key->attribute ::account/password)))}
{::account/id (u 2)
::account/name "Sam Hill"
::account/email ""
::account/active? false
::account/password (attr/encrypt "letmein" "some-salt"
(attr/key->attribute ::account/password)))}
{::account/id (u 3)
::account/name "Jose Haplon"
::account/email ""
::account/active? true
::account/password (attr/encrypt "letmein" "some-salt"
(attr/key->attribute ::account/password)))}
{::account/id (u 4)
::account/name "Rose Small"
::account/email ""
::account/active? true
::account/password (attr/encrypt "letmein" "some-salt"
(attr/key->attribute ::account/password)))}]))))

(defn start []
(mount/start-with-args {:config "config/dev.edn"})
Expand All @@ -74,22 +73,16 @@
(res/schema->resolvers #{:production} ex-schema/latest-schema)
(res/entity->resolvers :production employee/employee)
(res/entity->resolvers :production account/account))

(let [adapter (datomic/->DatomicAdapter :production nil)]
(dba/diff->migration adapter prior-schema latest-schema)))

(let [adapter (datomic/->DatomicAdapter :old-database)]
(dba/diff->migration adapter prior-schema latest-schema)))

(let [adapter (psql/->PostgreSQLAdapter :production)]
(dba/diff->migration adapter prior-schema latest-schema)))

(let [adapter (psql/->PostgreSQLAdapter :old-database)]
(dba/diff->migration adapter prior-schema latest-schema))))
(datomic/automatic-schema :production)

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