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PROJECT STATUS: Technology preview, bug bounty not active.

Solidity Template — Your Smart Contract Starting Point

This project is sponsored by: XXXX XXXX XXXX, your name here. Contact Will for details.

Click at top to WATCH this repository for updates and security fixes, and click SPONSOR above to ensure updates and fixes keep coming.

How to use this

  1. Click USE THIS TEMPLATE above to make your own repository based on this template.

  2. Install project and run all tests

    # Install Node 14+ (or nvm install 14 && nvm use 14)
    yarn install
    yarn test
  3. Add your own application code inside the contract folder and tests inside the Tests folder.

  4. Delete stuff you don't need.

  5. Make sure tests still pass.

  6. Deploy and make a GitHub release showing your deployed address.


This repository is a starting point for anybody developing their own Solidity smart contracts. It is opinionated. You should use this as your starting point for all your projects.

Reusable utilities

See the contracts/Utilities folder.


See the contracts folder. In here are the contracts you would use to deploy your contract and other implementation-specific details.

Run test suite

Run this each time you change contracts or test scripts:

yarn run prepare
yarn run lint # note, we do not use Prettier style for Solidity
FORCE_COLOR=1 ENABLE_GAS_REPORT=true yarn run test
yarn run test:inheritance
yarn run coverage

Smooth sailing

  1. Install VS Code

  2. Install VS Code Remote - Containers extension

  3. Install a container system

    1. Install podman (maybe brew install podman?)
    2. podman machine init
    3. podman machine start
    4. Set VS Code setting Remote > Containers > Docker Path to podman
  4. Install VS Code extension Mocha Test Explorer (recommended by Hardhat)

// todo: get mocha running inside container


💰 See our bug bounty at (NOT YET ACTIVE).

This repository is supported by William Entriken. We are accepting contributions of new features to the repository but have not defined yet which new feaures are welcome (!).

Please send pull requests to improve documentation and test cases. Please send issues for anything that might be improved.


  • The zero address (0x00...00) is no more special than the one address (0x00...01). If your application treats them differently, document it.
  • Log things that people might reasonably want to look up or index.

Style guide

Local conventions in this project include:

  • .sol .js 120 hard limit line length
  • .md File names and headings are sentence case. Except the name of this project is title case.

We recognize the following as best practice for all Solidity development:

  • Code documentation

    • It is recommended that Solidity contracts are fully annotated using NatSpec for all public interfaces (everything in the ABI).

    • Always use NatSpec with the /// flavor (because Solidity documentation uses that one first, we can assume it is preferred).

    • Align whitespace for tags, and then params do:

      /// @notice Hi
      /// @dev    This does things.
      /// @param  name the self-chosen name for this entity
      /// @param  age  time since their birth, in seconds


      /// @notice Hi
      /// @dev This does things.
      /// @param name the self-chosen name for this entity
      /// @param age time since their birth, in seconds
    • For @param (and state variable @dev), use sentence case without capitalization for the first letter, do:

      /// @param tokenID the token to operate on


      /// @param tokenID The token to operate on.
    • For @notice...

      • with an event, use past-simple tense without a period like "Tokens were transferred".
      • with a function, use sentence case in present-simple tense without a period like "Finish a sale".
  • When comparing things, prefer to compare what we have versus the requirement, like msg.sender == owner rather than the reverse order.

  • For error conditions, prefer using revert() with an error. If using require(), always include a revert-string and that string must start with the name of the contract/library.

  • A data structure (a library with an embedded struct) must name the struct as self.

  • For abstract contracts, design for safety by enforcing rules if possible

    • See in ThreeChiefOfficers how the state variables are kept private. This is because the security guarantee (limited functionality) requires that an inheriting contract will not those values. If it had used non-private scope then inheriting contracts could have violated that.
  • Use an underscore (_) suffix for function parameters that would collide with a named state variable.

Where not more specifically addressed above, we defer all style decisions to (in order):

  1. The Solidity Style Guide where it makes sense
    1. Prefix private/internal functions & variables with underscore (_)
  2. Conventions in Seaport
  3. Conventions in OpenZeppelin Contracts



The starting point for every Solidity project







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