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Unofficial Go SDK for Bank BCA API


(Currently) Supported API

  • POST /api/oauth/token (DoAuthentication)
  • GET /banking/v3/corporates/<CorporateID>/accounts/<AccountNum> (BankingGetBalance)
  • POST /banking/corporates/transfers (BankingFundTransfer)
  • POST /banking/corporates/transfers/domestic (BankingFundTransferDomestic)
  • POST /fire/accounts (FireInquiryAccount)

For the detail, see official documentation of BCA API


NOTE: You don't have to explicitly do authentication before calling API. If got an auth error Unauthorized (ErrorCode:ESB-14-009), it will automatically retry failed API operation but DoAuthentication beforehand. Default max retry attempts is only 2.

package main

import (

	bcaCtx ""

func main() {
	cfg := bca.Config{
		URL: "",
		ClientID:     "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
		ClientSecret: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
		APIKey:       "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
		APISecret:    "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
		CorporateID:  "BCAAPI2016",
		OriginHost:   "localhost",

		ChannelID:    "95051",
		CredentialID: "BCAAPI",

		LogPath: "bca.log",

	api := bca.New(cfg)

	ctx := context.Background()
	ctx = bcaCtx.WithHTTPReqID(ctx, shortuuid.New())

	// bca.DoAuthentication(ctx) // <- You don't have to do this explicitly

	balanceInfoReq := bca.BalanceInfoRequest{AccountNumber: "0201245680"}
	api.BankingGetBalance(ctx, balanceInfoReq)

	fundTransferReq := bca.FundTransferRequest{
		SourceAccountNumber:      "0201245680",
		TransactionID:            "00000001",
		TransactionDate:          "2020-01-30",
		ReferenceID:              "12345/PO/2016",
		CurrencyCode:             "IDR",
		Amount:                   100000.00,
		BeneficiaryAccountNumber: "0201245681",
		Remark1:                  "Transfer Test",
		Remark2:                  "Online Transfer",
	api.BankingFundTransfer(ctx, fundTransferReq)

	fundTransferDomesticReq := bca.FundTransferDomesticRequest{
		TransactionID:            "00000001",
		TransactionDate:          "2018-05-03",
		ReferenceID:              "12345/PO/2016",
		SourceAccountNumber:      "0201245680",
		BeneficiaryAccountNumber: "0201245501",
		BeneficiaryBankCode:      "BRONINJA",
		BeneficiaryName:          "Tester",
		Amount:                   100000.00,
		TransferType:             "LLG",
		BeneficiaryCustType:      "1",
		BeneficiaryCustResidence: "1",
		CurrencyCode:             "IDR",
		Remark1:                  "Transfer Test",
		Remark2:                  "Online Transfer",
	api.BankingFundTransferDomestic(ctx, fundTransferDomesticReq)


Read the Contribution Guide.

Production Debugging Tips

Log is formatted in JSON with fields like below:

  "level": "info",
  "ts": "2020-02-11T22:33:08.220362+07:00",
  "caller": "bca-api/bca_banking.go:67",
  "msg": "REQUEST: {TransactionID:00000001 TransactionDate:2018-05-03 ReferenceID:12345/PO/2016 SourceAccountNumber:0201245680 BeneficiaryAccountNumber:0201245501 BeneficiaryBankCode:BRONINJA BeneficiaryName:Tester Amount:100000 TransferType:LLG BeneficiaryCustType:1 BeneficiaryCustResidence:1 CurrencyCode:IDR Remark1:Transfer Test Remark2:Online Transfer}",
  "httpReqID": "QGSB9jjVifVUie9NznfMwW",
  "httpSessID": "",
  "bcaSessID": "ddFPSL3WbiVDsW8zLxRoc4"

We can query the logs using jq to quickly find the root cause of an error. It is recommended to set/provide context with httpReqID before calling a method. If so, all logs within that method will be attached with httpReqID field.

$ jq 'select(.level == "error")' bca.log # find all logs with level "error"
$ jq 'select(.httpReqID == "QGSB9jjVifVUie9NznfMwW")' bca.log # find all logs with httpReqID "QGSB9jjVifVUie9NznfMwW"


Implement BCA API






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