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Support for checking status of CF Invalidation Requests [cfinvalinfo].
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* s3cmd, S3/, S3/ Support for checking
  status of CF Invalidation Requests [cfinvalinfo].

git-svn-id: 830e0280-6d2a-0410-9c65-932aecc39d9d
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ludvigm committed Apr 8, 2011
1 parent a9d5d8e commit a770ad8
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@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
2011-04-10 Michal Ludvig <>

* s3cmd, S3/, S3/ Support for checking
status of CF Invalidation Requests [cfinvalinfo].
* s3cmd, S3/, S3/ Support for CloudFront
invalidation using [sync --cf-invalidate] command.
* S3/ getDictFromTree() now recurses into
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110 changes: 103 additions & 7 deletions S3/
Expand Up @@ -191,6 +191,63 @@ def __str__(self):
return ET.tostring(tree)

class Invalidation(object):
## Example:
## <Invalidation xmlns="">
## <Id>id</Id>
## <Status>status</Status>
## <CreateTime>date</CreateTime>
## <InvalidationBatch>
## <Path>/image1.jpg</Path>
## <Path>/image2.jpg</Path>
## <Path>/videos/movie.flv</Path>
## <CallerReference>my-batch</CallerReference>
## </InvalidationBatch>
## </Invalidation>

def __init__(self, xml):
tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
if tree.tag != "Invalidation":
raise ValueError("Expected <Invalidation /> xml, got: <%s />" % tree.tag)

def parse(self, tree): = getDictFromTree(tree)

def __str__(self):
return str(

class InvalidationList(object):
## Example:
## <InvalidationList>
## <Marker/>
## <NextMarker>Invalidation ID</NextMarker>
## <MaxItems>2</MaxItems>
## <IsTruncated>true</IsTruncated>
## <InvalidationSummary>
## <Id>[Second Invalidation ID]</Id>
## <Status>Completed</Status>
## </InvalidationSummary>
## <InvalidationSummary>
## <Id>[First Invalidation ID]</Id>
## <Status>Completed</Status>
## </InvalidationSummary>
## </InvalidationList>

def __init__(self, xml):
tree = getTreeFromXml(xml)
if tree.tag != "InvalidationList":
raise ValueError("Expected <InvalidationList /> xml, got: <%s />" % tree.tag)

def parse(self, tree): = getDictFromTree(tree)

def __str__(self):
return str(

class InvalidationBatch(object):
## Example:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +297,7 @@ class CloudFront(object):
"SetDistConfig" : { 'method' : "PUT", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/config" },
"Invalidate" : { 'method' : "POST", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/invalidation" },
"GetInvalList" : { 'method' : "GET", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/invalidation" },
"GetInvalStatus" : { 'method' : "GET", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/invalidation/%(invalidation_id)s" },
"GetInvalInfo" : { 'method' : "GET", 'resource' : "/%(dist_id)s/invalidation/%(request_id)s" },

## Maximum attempts of re-issuing failed requests
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,18 +441,38 @@ def InvalidateObjects(self, uri, paths):
debug("InvalidateObjects(): request_body: %s" % invalbatch)
response = self.send_request("Invalidate", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id(),
body = str(invalbatch))
response['dist_id'] = cfuri.dist_id()
if response['status'] == 201:
inval_info = Invalidation(response['data']).info
response['request_id'] = inval_info['Id']
debug("InvalidateObjects(): response: %s" % response)
return response, invalbatch.get_reference()
return response

def GetInvalList(self, cfuri):
if cfuri.type != "cf":
raise ValueError("Expected CFUri instead of: %s" % cfuri)
response = self.send_request("GetInvalList", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id())
response['inval_list'] = InvalidationList(response['data'])
return response

def GetInvalInfo(self, cfuri):
if cfuri.type != "cf":
raise ValueError("Expected CFUri instead of: %s" % cfuri)
if cfuri.request_id() is None:
raise ValueError("Expected CFUri with Request ID")
response = self.send_request("GetInvalInfo", dist_id = cfuri.dist_id(), request_id = cfuri.request_id())
response['inval_status'] = Invalidation(response['data'])
return response

## --------------------------------------------------
## Low-level methods for handling CloudFront requests
## --------------------------------------------------

def send_request(self, op_name, dist_id = None, body = None, headers = {}, retries = _max_retries):
def send_request(self, op_name, dist_id = None, request_id = None, body = None, headers = {}, retries = _max_retries):
operation = self.operations[op_name]
if body:
headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
request = self.create_request(operation, dist_id, headers)
request = self.create_request(operation, dist_id, request_id, headers)
conn = self.get_connection()
debug("send_request(): %s %s" % (request['method'], request['resource']))
conn.request(request['method'], request['resource'], body, request['headers'])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -425,9 +502,9 @@ def send_request(self, op_name, dist_id = None, body = None, headers = {}, retri

return response

def create_request(self, operation, dist_id = None, headers = None):
def create_request(self, operation, dist_id = None, request_id = None, headers = None):
resource = cloudfront_resource + (
operation['resource'] % { 'dist_id' : dist_id })
operation['resource'] % { 'dist_id' : dist_id, 'request_id' : request_id })

if not headers:
headers = {}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -635,5 +712,24 @@ def modify(args):
pretty_output("Etag", response['headers']['etag'])

def invalidate(args):
def invalinfo(args):
cf = CloudFront(Config())
cfuris = Cmd._parse_args(args)
requests = []
for cfuri in cfuris:
if cfuri.request_id():
inval_list = cf.GetInvalList(cfuri)
for i in inval_list['inval_list'].info['InvalidationSummary']:
requests.append("/".join(["cf:/", cfuri.dist_id(), i["Id"]]))
for req in requests:
cfuri = S3Uri(req)
inval_info = cf.GetInvalInfo(cfuri)
st = inval_info['inval_status'].info
pretty_output("URI", str(cfuri))
pretty_output("Status", st['Status'])
pretty_output("Created", st['CreateTime'])
pretty_output("Nr of paths", len(st['InvalidationBatch']['Path']))
pretty_output("Reference", st['InvalidationBatch']['CallerReference'])
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions S3/
Expand Up @@ -158,19 +158,26 @@ def dirname(self):

class S3UriCloudFront(S3Uri):
type = "cf"
_re = re.compile("^cf://([^/]*)/?", re.IGNORECASE)
_re = re.compile("^cf://([^/]*)(/.*)?", re.IGNORECASE)
def __init__(self, string):
match = self._re.match(string)
if not match:
raise ValueError("%s: not a CloudFront URI" % string)
groups = match.groups()
self._dist_id = groups[0]
self._request_id = groups[1] != "/" and groups[1] or None

def dist_id(self):
return self._dist_id

def request_id(self):
return self._request_id

def uri(self):
return "/".join(["cf:/", self.dist_id()])
uri = "cf://" + self.dist_id()
if self.request_id():
uri += "/" + self.request_id()
return uri

if __name__ == "__main__":
uri = S3Uri("s3://bucket/object")
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions s3cmd
Expand Up @@ -893,9 +893,10 @@ def cmd_sync_local2remote(args):
# 'uri' from the last iteration is still valid at this point
cf = CloudFront(cfg)
result, inval_id = cf.InvalidateObjects(uri, uploaded_objects_list)
print result
output("Created invalidation request: %s" % inval_id)
result = cf.InvalidateObjects(uri, uploaded_objects_list)
if result['status'] == 201:
output("Created invalidation request for %d paths" % len(uploaded_objects_list))
output("Check progress with: s3cmd cfinvalinfo cf://%s/%s" % (result['dist_id'], result['request_id']))

def cmd_sync(args):
if (len(args) < 2):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1328,6 +1329,8 @@ def get_commands_list():
{"cmd":"cfcreate", "label":"Create CloudFront distribution point", "param":"s3://BUCKET", "func":CfCmd.create, "argc":1},
{"cmd":"cfdelete", "label":"Delete CloudFront distribution point", "param":"cf://DIST_ID", "func":CfCmd.delete, "argc":1},
{"cmd":"cfmodify", "label":"Change CloudFront distribution point parameters", "param":"cf://DIST_ID", "func":CfCmd.modify, "argc":1},
#{"cmd":"cfinval", "label":"Invalidate CloudFront objects", "param":"s3://BUCKET/OBJECT [s3://BUCKET/OBJECT ...]", "func":CfCmd.invalidate, "argc":1},
{"cmd":"cfinvalinfo", "label":"Display CloudFront invalidation request(s) status", "param":"cf://DIST_ID[/INVAL_ID]", "func":CfCmd.invalinfo, "argc":1},

def format_commands(progname, commands_list):
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