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22 lines (16 loc) · 924 Bytes


File metadata and controls

22 lines (16 loc) · 924 Bytes

History of Dead-Hosts

The project started on 3rd March 2017 at funilrys/dead-hosts.

The original idea was to test Funceble against hosts file in order to find bugs inside Funceble but also letting me (@funilrys) have a shorter hosts file.

On 23rd January 2018, I (@funilrys) decided to shut down funilrys/dead-hosts , as it became impossible to test all members of the project without having to wait for weeks. I then decided it was time to move on to another level.

That was the beginning of Dead-Hosts.

Today Dead-Hosts's is objective to provide project and lists to maintainers or individuals, with the help of PyFunceble, to provide more information about their favourite project/list or domains, IP or URL.