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Fairtris 2.1.2

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@furious-programming furious-programming released this 26 Mar 21:01
· 3 commits to master since this release

This is a stable bugfix release, with the following changes:

  • Changed the default controller mapping that applies from the first launch of the game (in short, when there is no configuration file). From now on, directions are assigned to the D-Pad by default (instead of the first two axes), while the Select and Start button codes have been set to more universal ones.

  • Previously, the B and A buttons were used to navigate menus according to Nintendo Tetris®. The NES controller had a B button on the left to go back in the menu, and an A button on the right to select menu items. Completely illogical. Fairtris now uses the B button (on the left) to accept and the A button (on the right) to return. Menu operation is more intuitive, but the button on the left is still used to rotate the piece counterclockwise, and the one on the right is used to rotate it clockwise, the same as in Nintendo Tetris®.

  • Added the ability to skip the legal screen using any fixed keys and controller buttons (mapped to the B and A functions).