Converts Japanese sentences from written language style (常体) to spoken language style (敬体).
- 林由紀子, 松原茂樹: 自然な読み上げ音声出力のための書き言葉から話し言葉へのテキスト変換, 情報処理学会研究報告音声言語情報処理, Vol.47, pp. 49-54
- Python 3
- mecab-python3
Convert input sentences into spoken language and output
python -i src.txt -o hyp.txt
-i, --in_file
: input file path-o, --out_file
: output file path--nfkc
: (optional) adapt Unicode normalization (NFKC)
A mode to check if the conversion is correct.
python -t test.txt
-t, --test_file
: a file in which written and spoken languages are separated by tabs