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fury Blockchain SDK

version Go Report Card LoC

This is the official repository for the Impact Hub (ImpactHub)


The FURY team is in the process of upgrading this repository better align with our new standards and goals. Exciting things will soon come, but not without first making some fundamental and overdue changes.

Hosted Blockchain endpoints

Mini Changelog

  • Upgraded to cosmos-sdk 0.45
  • Introduction of github actions to help automate some tasks. (Note this will be improved as we get more functionality in place)
  • The master branch was renamed to main and will no longer represent the latest stable version but rather the next feature release.
  • As the project is still in active developmet, we thought it best to rename all are releases from version v1.x.x to v0.x.x. This would make v0.17.0 our last stable version.
  • Going forward all releases will follow clear samantic versioning guidelines and all stable releases will have a release branch dedicated to it. For example the release v0.17.0 will associated with the branch release/v0.17.x and all bugfixes related to this release should be made against this branch as well as all upstream branches if deemed relevant.

This document will have all details necessary to help getting started with ImpactHub


  • Guide for setting up a Validator on the Pandora test network and Internet of Impact Hub main network: here
  • Swagger API documentation for fury modules gRPC endpoints can be found at client/docs/swagger-ui/swagger.yaml
  • Swagger API documentation for fury modules legacy endpoints can be found at client/docs/swagger-ui-legacy/swagger.yaml
  • Blockchain Module Specifications can be found under x/<module>/spec

Building and Running

Note: Requires Go 1.15+

To build and run the application:

make run

To build and run the application and also create some accounts:

make run_with_some_data  # Option 1
make run_with_all_data   # Option 2

(Optional) Once the chain has started, run one of the following:

  • Add more data and activity:
bash ./scripts/
  • Demos:
bash ./scripts/     # Option 1
bash ./scripts/  # Option 2
bash ./scripts/   # Option 3
# Look in the scripts folder for more options!
  • To re-generate .pb.go and files from .proto files, as well as docs/core/
make proto-gen
  • To re-generate API documentation (swagger.yaml file):
make proto-swagger-gen
  • To build and run the application using Starport (demos will not work if the blockchain is started using this method, and the ./cmd/furyd package has to be refactored to ./cmd/fury-blockchaind):
starport serve
