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search in library.$name.path like in META-INF/native resources
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hboutemy authored and gnodet committed Apr 27, 2017
1 parent 477c8cc commit ed95784
Showing 1 changed file with 101 additions and 73 deletions.
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 FuseSource Corp.
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Expand All @@ -16,53 +16,66 @@
import java.util.Set;

* Used to optionally extract and load a JNI library.
* Used to find and load a JNI library, eventually after having extracted it.
* It will search for the library in order at the following locations:
* <ol>
* <li> in the custom library path: If the "library.${name}.path" System property is set to a directory
* <li> in the custom library path: If the "<code>library.${name}.path</code>" System property is set to a directory,
* subdirectories are searched:
* <ol>
* <li> "${name}-${version}" if the version can be determined.
* <li> "${name}"
* <li> "<code>${platform}/${arch}</code>"
* <li> "<code>${platform}</code>"
* <li> "<code>${os}</code>"
* <li> "<code></code>"
* </ol>
* for 2 namings of the library:
* <ol>
* <li> as "<code>${name}-${version}</code>" library name if the version can be determined.
* <li> as "<code>${name}</code>" library name
* </ol>
* <li> system library path: This is where the JVM looks for JNI libraries by default.
* <ol>
* <li> "${name}-${version}" if the version can be determined.
* <li> "${name}"
* <li> as "<code>${name}${bit-model}-${version}</code>" library name if the version can be determined.
* <li> as "<code>${name}-${version}</code>" library name if the version can be determined.
* <li> as "<code>${name}</code>" library name
* </ol>
* <li> classpath path: If the JNI library can be found on the classpath, it will get extracted
* and and then loaded. This way you can embed your JNI libraries into your packaged JAR files.
* and then loaded. This way you can embed your JNI libraries into your packaged JAR files.
* They are looked up as resources in this order:
* <ol>
* <li> "META-INF/native/${platform}/${arch}/${library}" : Store your library here if you want to embed
* <li> "<code>META-INF/native/${platform}/${arch}/${library[-version]}</code>": Store your library here if you want to embed
* more than one platform JNI library on different processor archs in the jar.
* <li> "META-INF/native/${platform}/${library}" : Store your library here if you want to embed more
* <li> "<code>META-INF/native/${platform}/${library[-version]}</code>": Store your library here if you want to embed more
* than one platform JNI library in the jar.
* <li> "META-INF/native/${library}": Store your library here if your JAR is only going to embedding one
* <li> "<code>META-INF/native/${os}/${library[-version]}</code>": Store your library here if you want to embed more
* than one platform JNI library in the jar but don't want to take bit model into account.
* <li> "<code>META-INF/native/${library[-version]}</code>": Store your library here if your JAR is only going to embedding one
* platform library.
* </ol>
* The file extraction is attempted until it succeeds in the following directories.
* <ol>
* <li> The directory pointed to by the "library.${name}.path" System property (if set)
* <li> a temporary directory (uses the "" System property)
* <li> The directory pointed to by the "<code>library.${name}.path</code>" System property (if set)
* <li> a temporary directory (uses the "<code></code>" System property)
* </ol>
* </ol>
* where:
* where:
* <ul>
* <li>"${name}" is the name of library
* <li>"${version}" is the value of "library.${name}.version" System property if set.
* Otherwise it is set to the ImplementationVersion property of the JAR's Manifest</li>
* <li>"${os}" is your operating system, for example "osx", "linux", or "windows"</li>
* <li>"${bit-model}" is "64" if the JVM process is a 64 bit process, otherwise it's "32" if the
* JVM is a 32 bit process</li>
* <li>"${arch}" is the architecture for the processor, for example "amd64" or "sparcv9"</li>
* <li>"${platform}" is "${os}${bit-model}", for example "linux32" or "osx64" </li>
* <li>"${library}": is the normal jni library name for the platform. For example "${name}.dll" on
* windows, "lib${name}.jnilib" on OS X, and "lib${name}.so" on linux</li>
* <li>"<code>${name}</code>" is the name of library
* <li>"<code>${version}</code>" is the value of "<code>library.${name}.version</code>" System property if set.
* Otherwise it is set to the ImplementationVersion property of the JAR's Manifest</li>
* <li>"<code>${os}</code>" is your operating system, for example "<code>osx</code>", "<code>linux</code>", or "<code>windows</code>"</li>
* <li>"<code>${bit-model}</code>" is "<code>64</code>" if the JVM process is a 64 bit process, otherwise it's "<code>32</code>" if the
* JVM is a 32 bit process</li>
* <li>"<code>${arch}</code>" is the architecture for the processor, for example "<code>amd64</code>" or "<code>sparcv9</code>"</li>
* <li>"<code>${platform}</code>" is "<code>${os}${bit-model}</code>", for example "<code>linux32</code>" or "<code>osx64</code>" </li>
* <li>"<code>${library[-version]}</code>": is the normal jni library name for the platform (eventually with <code>-${version}</code>) suffix.
* For example "<code>${name}.dll</code>" on
* windows, "<code>lib${name}.jnilib</code>" on OS X, and "<code>lib${name}.so</code>" on linux</li>
* </ul>
* @author <a href="">Hiram Chirino</a>
* @see System#mapLibraryName(String)
public class Library {

Expand All @@ -72,19 +85,19 @@ public class Library {
final private String version;
final private ClassLoader classLoader;
private boolean loaded;

public Library(String name) {
this(name, null, null);

public Library(String name, Class<?> clazz) {
this(name, version(clazz), clazz.getClassLoader());

public Library(String name, String version) {
this(name, version, null);

public Library(String name, String version, ClassLoader classLoader) {
if( name == null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name cannot be null");
Expand All @@ -93,7 +106,7 @@ public Library(String name, String version, ClassLoader classLoader) {
this.version = version;
this.classLoader= classLoader;

private static String version(Class<?> clazz) {
try {
return clazz.getPackage().getImplementationVersion();
Expand All @@ -114,26 +127,26 @@ public static String getOperatingSystem() {
return "windows";
return name.replaceAll("\\W+", "_");


public static String getPlatform() {
return getOperatingSystem()+getBitModel();

public static int getBitModel() {
String prop = System.getProperty("");
String prop = System.getProperty("");
if (prop == null) {
prop = System.getProperty("");
if( prop!=null ) {
return Integer.parseInt(prop);
return -1; // we don't know..
return -1; // we don't know..

synchronized public void load() {
if( loaded ) {
Expand All @@ -142,44 +155,47 @@ synchronized public void load() {
loaded = true;

private void doLoad() {
/* Perhaps a custom version is specified */
String version = System.getProperty("library."+name+".version");
String version = System.getProperty("library."+name+".version");
if (version == null) {
version = this.version;
version = this.version;
ArrayList<Throwable> errors = new ArrayList<Throwable>();

String[] specificDirs = getSpecificSearchDirs();
String libFilename = map(name);
String versionlibFilename = (version == null) ? null : map(name + "-" + version);

/* Try loading library from a custom library path */
String customPath = System.getProperty("library."+name+".path");
if (customPath != null) {
if( version!=null && load(errors, file(customPath, map(name + "-" + version))) )
if( load(errors, file(customPath, map(name))) )
for ( String dir: specificDirs ) {
if( version!=null && load(errors, file(customPath, dir, versionlibFilename)) )
if( load(errors, file(customPath, dir, libFilename)) )

/* Try loading library from java library path */
if( version!=null && load(errors, name + getBitModel() + "-" + version) )
if( version!=null && load(errors, name + "-" + version) )
if( version!=null && load(errors, name + getBitModel() + "-" + version) )
if( version!=null && load(errors, name + "-" + version) )
if( load(errors, name ) )

/* Try extracting the library from the jar */
if( classLoader!=null ) {
if( extractAndLoad(errors, version, customPath, getArchSpecificResourcePath()) )
if( extractAndLoad(errors, version, customPath, getPlatformSpecificResourcePath()) )
if( extractAndLoad(errors, version, customPath, getOperatingSystemSpecificResourcePath()) )
// For the simpler case where only 1 platform lib is getting packed into the jar
if( extractAndLoad(errors, version, customPath, getResourcePath()) )
for ( String dir: specificDirs ) {
if( version!=null && extractAndLoad(errors, customPath, dir, versionlibFilename) )
if( extractAndLoad(errors, customPath, dir, libFilename) )

/* Failed to find the library */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,16 +252,28 @@ final public String getLibraryFileName() {
return map(name);

private boolean extractAndLoad(ArrayList<Throwable> errors, String version, String customPath, String resourcePath) {
* Search directories for library:<ul>
* <li><code>${platform}/${arch}</code> to enable platform JNI library for different processor archs</li>
* <li><code>${platform}</code> to enable platform JNI library</li>
* <li><code>${os}</code> to enable OS JNI library</li>
* <li>no directory</li>
* </ul>
* @return the list
final public String[] getSpecificSearchDirs() {
return new String[] {
getPlatform() + "/" + System.getProperty("os.arch"),

private boolean extractAndLoad(ArrayList<Throwable> errors, String customPath, String dir, String libName) {
String resourcePath = "META-INF/native/" + ( dir == null ? "" : (dir + '/')) + libName;
URL resource = classLoader.getResource(resourcePath);
if( resource !=null ) {

String libName = name + "-" + getBitModel();
if( version !=null) {
libName += "-" + version;
libName = map(libName);
int idx = libName.lastIndexOf('.');
String prefix = libName.substring(0, idx)+"-";
String suffix = libName.substring(idx);
Expand All @@ -259,7 +287,7 @@ private boolean extractAndLoad(ArrayList<Throwable> errors, String version, Stri

// Fall back to extracting to the tmp dir
customPath = System.getProperty("");
File target = extract(errors, resource, prefix, suffix, file(customPath));
Expand All @@ -277,30 +305,30 @@ private File file(String ...paths) {
for (String path : paths) {
if( rc == null ) {
rc = new File(path);
} else {
} else if( path != null ) {
rc = new File(rc, path);
return rc;

private String map(String libName) {
* libraries in the Macintosh use the extension .jnilib but the some
* VMs map to .dylib.
libName = System.mapLibraryName(libName);
String ext = ".dylib";
String ext = ".dylib";
if (libName.endsWith(ext)) {
libName = libName.substring(0, libName.length() - ext.length()) + ".jnilib";
libName = libName.substring(0, libName.length() - ext.length()) + ".jnilib";
return libName;

private File extract(ArrayList<Throwable> errors, URL source, String prefix, String suffix, File directory) {
File target = null;
if (directory != null) {
directory = directory.getAbsoluteFile();
directory = directory.getAbsoluteFile();
try {
FileOutputStream os = null;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,7 +412,7 @@ private boolean load(ArrayList<Throwable> errors, File lib) {
return false;

private boolean load(ArrayList<Throwable> errors, String lib) {
try {
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