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In Memory Object DataBase for JS.

npm Build Status JavaScript Style Guide


npm i modb-js -S


In JS, you should avoid below code:

const arr = new Array(10000)
// ... ... fill arr with some objects
const item = arr.find(x=>'someid')  // --> NEVER DO THIS!

Above code will froze(block) your application totally if the array is large enough.

Instead, you should need some form of In Memroy Database, this lib is good if you store Array of Object in memory as a small database.


With below sample array:

// create your arr as normal, each object need have an id
const arr = Array.from({length: 1e6}, (val,id) => ({
    id, n: Math.random()*100

Test of find item for 10000 times:

const modb = require('modb-js')  // require the lib
const db = new modb(arr)  // create indexes

// A. vanilla .find
console.time('vanilla find')
for(let i=10000;i<20000;i++){
  arr.find(x=> === i)
console.timeEnd('vanilla find')

// B. modb .find
console.time('modb find')
for(let i=10000;i<20000;i++){
  db.find('id', i)
console.timeEnd('modb find')

The result:

vanilla find: 2659.199ms

modb speed: 3.985ms


const db = new MODB(arr, [indexDef], [options])

Create modb instance from existing array.

Return: [Object] MODB instance, has data, index, indexDef, config key.

arr: [Array of objects] each object should have an id key.

indexDef: [Object] The key is index of the db, the value should below:

{unique: Boolean} true: The key is unique, and find result is 1 item.
{multiple: Boolean} true: The key is not unique, result is array of items.
{skip: Boolean} true: When create index, skip this key.

options: [Object] The key can be below:

{idKey: String} The default `id` key when create new MODB instance.
{notKey: String} The default `$not` key when find inverted results.


db = new modb(arr)  // default id is 'id', unique
db = new modb(arr, {a:{unique:true}, id:{skip:true}})  // using a as id, skip default 'id' as key.
db = new modb(arr, {'pid': {multiple: true}})  // create id as unique index, and pid as multiple index.

db.createIndex(key, def)

Create new index from exists modb.

Return: [Object]

  ok: 0/1,  // 1: Success; 0: Fail

key [String] The key of index to create.

def [Object] The definition of index, same as indexDef when create modb.

db.find(id, value, returnIndex)

Find result items, which id is value.

Return: [Object/Array] If the id is unique, return single object, else return array of objects.

id [String] The key of object to find.

value [Any] The value of object[id] to find.

returnIndex [Boolean] Return index of item in array instead of item value.


db.find('id', 5)  // result of arr.find(x=>
db.find('pid', 5)  // ALL results of arr.find(x=>

db.findCond(object, returnIndex)

Find result items, from condition object.

Return: [Array] Always return array of objects.

object [Object] $and of each find result.

returnIndex [Boolean] Return index of item in array instead of item value.


db.findCond({'id': 5, 'pid': 3})  // ALL results of arr.find(x=> &&

db.findMany(condArr, returnIndex)

Find result items, from condition object/array of condition objects.

Return: [Array] Always return array of objects.

condArr [Object/Array] If it's array, return $or of each condition object.

returnIndex [Boolean] Return index of item in array instead of item value.


db.findMany([{'pid': 3}, {'id': 5}])  // ALL results of arr.find(x=> ||


Insert a new item into db.

Return: [Object]

  ok: 0/1,  // 1: Success; 0: Fail

item [Object] The object to insert.


db.insert({id: 6, x:11})  // insert a new item into db and arr

db.delete(id, value)

Delete items from db.

Return: [Object]

  ok: 0/1,  // 1: Success; 0: Fail
  deleted: object  // deleted items

id [String] The key of object to delete.

value [Any] The value of object[id] to delete.


db.delete('id', 6)  // delete item of id==6 from db and arr

db.update(id, value, newItem, [options])

Update item from db with newItem.

Return: [Object]

  ok: 0/1,  // 1: Success; 0: Fail

id [String] The key of object to update.

value [Any] The value of object[id] to update.

newItem [Object] The object to insert.

options [Object]

  upsert: Boolean,  // true: insert newItem if the key/value cannot be found
  replace: Boolean,  // true: replace exists item with newItem
                     // false: Merge into exists item with newItem


db.update('id', 6, {x:12})  // merge {x:12} into id:6 from db and arr
db.update('id', 6, {id:6, y:12}, {replace: true})  // replace newItem with id:6 from db and arr
db.update('id', 6, {id:6, y:12}, {upsert: true})  // merge newItem of id:6 from db and arr, if not found, insert it.


In Memory Object DataBase for JS







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