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How I subset web fonts
Subsetting fonts makes them quicker to download. Here’s how I use glyphhanger to do it.
2021-03-07 11:14:27 UTC

On my personal website I currently use three web fonts from the Source Sans 3 group: regular, italic and semibold. I self-host my fonts because that’s a good practice. Additionally I use a variety of special characters to add some typographic life to the text.

When self-hosting it’s important from a performance perspective to minimise the weight of the font files your visitors must download. To achieve this I subset my fonts so as to include only the characters my pages use but no more. Here’s how I do it.

Note: to follow these steps, you’ll need to install glyphhanger. The Github page includes installation and usage guidelines however there are a few common installation pitfalls so if you’re on a Mac and run into trouble I recommend checking Sara Soueidan’s How I set up Glyphhanger on macOS to get you back on track.

For the purposes of this walkthrough I’ll assume you have a directory in your application named fonts.

Start by deleting any existing custom font files from your application’s fonts directory.

Run your site locally in an incognito browser window. For my Eleventy-based site, I run npm run serve which serves the site at http://localhost:8080.

Visually check your locally-running site to ensure that now you’ve deleted your web fonts it’s no longer serving them and is instead rendering text using system fonts.

Visit the source page for your custom fonts—in my case the Github repository for Source Sans 3. Download in .ttf format the latest versions of the fonts you need and place them in your fonts directory. For me these are:

  • Regular,
  • Italic; and
  • Semibold.

You’ll notice the large file sizes of these .ttf files. For example Source Sans 3’s Regular.ttf font is 299 kb.

At the command line, cd into your fonts directory.

Now we’re going to run glyphhanger on one font at a time. This fantastic tool will intelligenty crawl your website to check which glyphs are currently in use for the specified weight then include those in a subset file which it outputs in .ttf, .woff and .woff2 formats. I use glyphhanger’s spider option so that it spiders multiple pages (rather than just one) at a time, meaning that it is more likely to catch all the special characters I’m using.

glyphhanger http://localhost:8080/posts/ --subset=SourceSans3-Regular.ttf --spider-limit=0

If all went well you should see output like this:

Subsetting SourceSans3-Regular.ttf to SourceSans3-Regular-subset.ttf (was 292.24 KB, now 46.99 KB)
Subsetting SourceSans3-Regular.ttf to SourceSans3-Regular-subset.zopfli.woff (was 292.24 KB, now 22.14 KB)
Subsetting SourceSans3-Regular.ttf to SourceSans3-Regular-subset.woff2 (was 292.24 KB, now 17.77 KB)

The .woff2 subset file has reduced the file size from 299 kb to 17.77 kb which is pretty impressive!

Update your CSS to point at the new woff2 and woff subset files for your font. My updated CSS looks like this:

@font-face {
  font-family: Source Sans Pro;
  src: url(/fonts/sans/SourceSans3-Regular-subset.woff2) format("woff2"),
       url(/fonts/sans/SourceSans3-Regular-subset.zopfli.woff) format("woff");
  font-weight: 400;
  font-display: swap;

Check your locally running application to ensure that the relevant text (body copy in this case) is now being served using the web font rather than fallback font, and that special characters are also being served using the web font.

I’ll usually crack open the Fonts panel in Firefox’s DevTools and check that, amongst other things, my pagination links which use the rightward pointing arrow character (→ or unicode U+2192) are rendering it using Source Sans Pro and not sticking out like a sore thumb by using Helvetica due to the glyph not being present in the subset.

Delete the .ttf file you started with and any .ttf subsets generated, because you won’t serve files in that format to your website visitors.

Repeat the glyphhanger subsetting and CSS updating process for any other weights (italic, semibold) or custom fonts you want to subset.

One last handy tip: if there’s a weight for which I don’t need a fancy character set (for example the Semibold I use for headings), I might just grab default latin charset woff and woff2 files from the Google Webfonts Helper. The files tend to be small and well-optimised and this can save a little time. (This is only possible if the font is available from Google Fonts which is true in the case of Source Sans 3.)