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Sudoku Image Solver is a python program that takes in an image, scan for Sudoku puzzle, and solve it using Linear Programming method.


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Sudoku Image Solver

Implemented in Python 3

Author: Foo Zhi Yuan

Sudoku Image Solver is a Python program that takes in an image, scan for Sudoku puzzle, and solve it using Linear Programming method.

Sudoku Image Solver uses image processing techniques to extract Sudoku Puzzle from an image, Convolutional Neural Network to parse digits and Linear Programming to solve parsed puzzle.

  1. When an image is being input into the solver, the solver will first preprocess the input image using bilateral filter and thresholding.

  2. Sudoku puzzle is being located by finding the largest feature/ largest contour in the input image.

  3. The puzzle is then being flattened (warp perspective) to obtain a top down view of the puzzle.

  4. The flattened puzzle is being extracted and preprocessed.

  5. The extracted puzzle is being chopped evenly into 81 pieces for cells extraction.

  6. For each cell in the puzzle, the digit (located by finding the largest feature in the cell) is being centered and resized (28x28) to conform to the format of MNIST dataset.

  7. The digits are then being passed into an 8 layer Convolutional Neural Network (built using TensorFlow) for digit recognition.

  8. The parsed puzzle is being solved using Linear Programming model (implemented and built using PuLP).


  1. Python 3

  2. OpenCV

  3. TensorFlow

  4. PuLP

  5. NumPy

  6. Pillow

Note: (For Ubuntu/ Debian machines) If you encounter "ImportError: cannot import name ImageTk" when running the program

Trying doing:

sudo apt-get install python-imaging python-imaging-tk

For Python 3, do:

sudo apt-get install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk

Run (with Tkinter GUI):




Input Image


Preprocess Image


Extract Puzzle


Extract Cells


Parse Puzzle


Solve Puzzle


Run (on console):


To proceed, press any key


Training Convolutional Neural Network model

Creating Dataset

You can create digits dataset by setting createTrainingSetForDigitRecognition variable in to True. By doing so, whenever you input an image into the program, the images of the cells of Sudoku Puzzle extracted will be created and stored in ${sudokuDigitFolder}/training/unsorted.

To train a Convolutional Neural Network, you will need to manually label these datasets in the unsorted directory by dragging them to their respective folder, eg: None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

Note: You might want to split some of these for test set (To do so, drag them to their respective folder in ${sudokuDigitFolder}/testing/).

Training the Model

You can train the Convolutional Neural Network model by simply setting trainConvolutionalNeuralNetwork variable in to True.


Sudoku Image Solver is a python program that takes in an image, scan for Sudoku puzzle, and solve it using Linear Programming method.







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