This repository contains the documentation for Font Tutorials, the home of easy to follow tutorials on various font editing software programs. The compiled documentation can be found at
Font Tutorials uses a modified Jekyll theme for documentation called just-the-docs.
Modifications include:
- adding callouts
- changing the theme color
- adjusting the site's column width
- tweaking some of the padding, margins, alignment, line height, and headings
- adding a floating right side table-of-contents (toc) that lists h2
Modifications are found within the following files:
- overrides.scss
- custom.scss
- default.html includes a line of code to incorporate the toc
- toc.html which is an additional file, to incorporate allejo's toc
The search function did not work when we used the search.rake file from just-the-docs. To overcome this, we manually created the search-data.json file, as outlined on just-the-docs' generate search index section.
Feel free to check the issues or open a new one if you have questions or something is wrong. Pull requests are always welcome.
If you'd like to submit a tutorial or article you've written about fonts, to us, please create a pull request and we'll let you know what to do next.
Something wrong? Let us know by opening an issue or submitting a pull request with the updated information.
- Try to stay consistent with existing content.
- Introduce acronyms before using them.
- styles are found within the overrides.scss file.
Having trouble with Github Pages? Check out Github's documentation or contact support and they’ll help you sort it out.
Having trouble with just-the-docs? Check out just-the-docs and they’ll help you sort it out.
Want more information on adding a table-of-contents to your site using allejo's toc? Head to allejo's toc page on Github and the community over there will help you out.
Got a question for us? Get in touch by opening a pull request or issue. We'd love to hear from you.
Font Tutorials are distributed under an open source MIT license.