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Releases: g3w-suite/g3w-client


17 Jun 13:16
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What's Changed

πŸš€ New Features

  • Add shortcut links within catalog layers context menu (layers and project settings) by @volterra79 in #392
  • Add support for showmarker=1 and iframetype=map urls parameters by @volterra79 in #603
  • Add support for g3w-admin-mapproxy plugin (tiles cache provider) by @volterra79 in #589
  • Expose OGC API - Feature (WFS3) service [g3w-admin PR#788] by @volterra79 in #607
  • Allow to store custom map themes (authenticathed users) by @volterra79 in #540
  • Custom DPI in print layout by @volterra79 in #619
  • Allow to use alphanumeric table layers in QueryBuilder searches by @volterra79 in #621
  • Add GeoPDF, SVG and JPG print formats by @volterra79 in #623
  • Allow to define which layers to hide to end user within Table of Contents by @volterra79 in #625
  • Add option: "Download as pdf" by @volterra79 in #538
  • Client loadlayer url errorl setting [g3w-admin PR#869] by @volterra79 in #637
  • Start editing feature from Layer Attribute Table by @volterra79 in #577

🐞 Bug fixed

  • Fix invalid geocoding response for "X,Y,EPSG" searches, i.e. those with a different CRS than the current map by @volterra79 in #555
  • Ensure switching layer legend styles change after changing map theme by @volterra79 in #552
  • Fix regression on conditional fields visibilty within form tab group by @volterra79 in #561
  • Ensure filter_fields is not null on relation reference widgets by @volterra79 in #564
  • Prevent RequestNotWellFormed error for invalid characters in BBOX requests (ref: layer names with spaces, colons or slashes) by @volterra79 in #566
  • Fix regression: "catalog legend items stays grayed out" by @Raruto in #581
  • Prevent "Uncaught TypeError: n.context[i.value][u] is undefined" when adding external WMS Layer by @volterra79 in #583
  • In case of just one project inside a group, show "No more project for this group" by @volterra79 in #590
  • Print layout with no maps by @volterra79 in #587
  • Prevent HTTP request loop when using panoramic map control by @volterra79 in #597
  • Handle Value Relation Widget Use Completer option by @volterra79 in #600
  • Tab visibility due expression value by @volterra79 in #612
  • Fixes incorrect use of GET for WMS queries when admin setting has CLIENT_OWS_METHOD = 'POST' by @volterra79 in #617
  • Sort print scales (descending order) by @volterra79 in #627

✨ Improvements

  • Click to go back button to show MacroGroup list from Group page within ChangeMapMenu.vue by @volterra79 in #579
  • Ask for user geolocation only after clicking on related map control (ref: geolocation control) by @volterra79 in #339

πŸ“ Documentation

  • Use a single g3w-client/gulpfile.js to compile all client plugins by @volterra79 in #485

πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ Translations

πŸ™ Github

  • Add .github/workflows/backport.yml by @Raruto in #557

πŸ› οΈ Config

  • Update version check within config.template.js by @volterra79 in #544
  • Remove unnecessary branch name suffix for stable version releases by @Raruto in #578

♻️ API changes

  • Remove API g3wsdk.core.editing related to g3w-client-plugin-editing repository by @Raruto in #493
  • Delete file: src/utils/ol/index.js by @Raruto in #542
  • Delete file: src/utils/geo/index.js by @Raruto in #543
  • Remove API g3wsdk.core.workflow related to g3w-client-plugin-editing repository by @Raruto in #545
  • Delete src/app/core/applicationservice.js by @Raruto in #572
  • Delete src/app/gui/charts/chartsfactory.js by @Raruto in #568
  • Delete src/app/core/relations/relations.js by @Raruto in #573
  • Delete src/app/core/project/projecttypes.js by @Raruto in #571
  • Delete src/app/gui/component/componentsfactory.js by @Raruto in #570
  • Refactor G3WObject, Panel and Component classes by @Raruto in #574

Full Changelog: v3.9.1...v3.10.0


10 Jun 15:11
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What's Changed

🐞 Bug fixed

  • Fix selection, filtering table attribute layer handler by @volterra79 in #636

Full Changelog: v3.9.8...v3.9.9


13 May 08:21
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What's Changed

🐞 Bug fixed

  • Show only visible layers when map of layout hasn't lock layers by @volterra79 in #629

Full Changelog: v3.9.7...v3.9.8


30 Apr 08:21
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What's Changed

🐞 Bug fixed

  • πŸ› Fix check /ows/ path on query url to set http Method for wms query b7121e6

Full Changelog: v3.7.18...v3.7.19


17 Apr 09:54
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What's Changed

🐞 Bug fixed

  • Handle projects without print layouts by @volterra79 in #611
  • πŸ”™ from #612 - Tab visibility due expression value by @github-actions in #613

Full Changelog: v3.9.6...v3.9.7


27 Mar 15:51
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What's Changed

πŸš€ New Features

  • πŸ”™ from #603 - Add support for showmarker=1 and iframetype=map urls parameters by @github-actions in #604
  • πŸ”™ from #589 - Add support for g3w-admin-mapproxy plugin (tiles cache provider) by @volterra79 in #605

🐞 Bug fixed

  • πŸ”™ from #587 - Print layout with no maps by @github-actions in #594
  • πŸ”™ from #600 - Handle Value Relation Widget Use Completer option by @github-actions in #606

Full Changelog: v3.9.5...v3.9.6


18 Mar 09:24
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What's Changed

🐞 Bug fixed

  • πŸ”™ from #597 - Prevent HTTP request loop when using panoramic map control by @github-actions in #598

Full Changelog: v3.9.4...v3.9.5


04 Mar 10:28
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What's Changed

🐞 Bug fixed

  • πŸ”™ from #583 - Prevent "Uncaught TypeError: n.context[i.value][u] is undefined" when adding external WMS Layer by @github-actions in #584
  • πŸ”™ from #590 - In case of just one project inside a group, show "No more project for this group" by @github-actions in #592

✨ Improvements

  • πŸ”™ from #579 - Click to go back button to show MacroGroup list from Group page within ChangeMapMenu.vue by @github-actions in #585

Full Changelog: v3.9.3...v3.9.4


04 Mar 11:00
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What's Changed

🐞 Bug fixed

Full Changelog: v3.8.16...v3.8.17


07 Feb 11:08
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What's Changed

🐞 Bug fixed

  • [Backport v3.9.x] Fix invalid geocoding response for "X,Y,EPSG" searches, i.e. those with a different CRS than the current map by @github-actions in #558
  • [Backport v3.9.x] Ensure switching layer legend styles change after changing map theme by @github-actions in #559
  • πŸ”™ from #561 - Fix regression on conditional fields visibilty within form tab group by @github-actions in #562
  • πŸ”™ from #564 - Ensure filter_fields is not null on relation reference widgets by @github-actions in #567
  • πŸ”™ from #566 - Prevent RequestNotWellFormed error for invalid characters in BBOX requests (ref: layer names with spaces, colons or slashes) by @github-actions in #569

New Contributors

  • @github-actions made their first contribution in #558

Full Changelog: v3.9.2...v3.9.3