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File metadata and controls

194 lines (169 loc) · 6.22 KB

Associating Annotations with VRS Objects

Information is never embedded within VRS objects. Instead, it is associated with those objects by means of their ids. This approach to annotations scales better in size and distributes better across multiple data sources.

The Genomic Knowledge Standards Work Stream is currently developing a Value Object Descriptors policy to provide a standardized way to associate common annotations with VRS objects as part of the `VRSATILE`_ framework. This approach enables standard and verbose exchange while maintaining the advantages of the VRS value object design philosophy.

This example demonstrates how to associate information with VRS objects. Although the examples use the |vrs-python| library, the principles apply regardless of implementation.

import collections
from ga4gh.vrs import ga4gh_identify, models
from ga4gh.vrs.dataproxy import SeqRepoRESTDataProxy
from ga4gh.vrs.extras.translator import Translator

# Requires seqrepo REST interface is running on this URL (e.g., using docker image)
seqrepo_rest_service_url = "http://localhost:5000/seqrepo"
dp = SeqRepoRESTDataProxy(base_url=seqrepo_rest_service_url)

tlr = Translator(data_proxy=dp)
# Declare some data as human-readable RS id labels with HGVS expressions
data = (
    ("rs7412C",   "NC_000019.10:g.44908822="),
    ("rs7412T",   "NC_000019.10:g.44908822C>T"),
    ("rs429358C", "NC_000019.10:g.44908684="),
    ("rs429358T", "NC_000019.10:g.44908684T>C")
# Parse the HGVS expressions and generate three dicts:
# alleles[allele_id] ⇒ allele object
# rs_names[allele_id] ⇒ rs label
# hgvs_name[allele_id] ⇒ original hgvs expression

# For convenience, also build
# rs_to_id[rs_name] ⇒ allele_id

alleles = {}
rs_names = {}
hgvs_names = collections.defaultdict(lambda: dict())
for rs, hgvs_expr in data:
    allele = tlr.from_hgvs(hgvs_expr)
    allele_id = ga4gh_identify(allele)
    alleles[allele_id] = allele
    hgvs_names[allele_id] = hgvs_expr
    rs_names[allele_id] = rs

rs_to_id = {r: i for i, r in rs_names.items()}
# Now, build a new set of annotations: allele frequencies
# This is more complicated because it maps to a map of frequences
# It should be clear that other frequencies could be easily added here
# or as a separate data source
freqs = {
    "gnomad": {
        "global": {
            rs_to_id["rs7412C"]: 0.9385,
            rs_to_id["rs7412T"]: 0.0615,
            rs_to_id["rs429358C"]: 0.1385,
            rs_to_id["rs429358T"]: 0.8615,
# It might be convenient to save these data
# A saved document might have structure like this:
doc = {
    "alleles": alleles,
    "hgvs_names": hgvs_names,
    "rs_names": rs_names,
    "freqs": freqs
# For the benefit of pretty printing, let's replace the allele objects with their dict representations
doc["alleles"] = {i: a.as_dict() for i, a in doc["alleles"].items()}
import json
print(json.dumps(doc, indent=2))
  "alleles": {
    "ga4gh:VA.UUvQpMYU5x8XXBS-RhBhmipTWe2AALzj": {
      "location": {
        "interval": {
          "end": 44908822,
          "start": 44908821,
          "type": "SimpleInterval"
        "sequence_id": "ga4gh:SQ.IIB53T8CNeJJdUqzn9V_JnRtQadwWCbl",
        "type": "SequenceLocation"
      "state": {
        "sequence": "C",
        "type": "SequenceState"
      "type": "Allele"
    "ga4gh:VA.EgHPXXhULTwoP4-ACfs-YCXaeUQJBjH_": {
      "location": {
        "interval": {
          "end": 44908822,
          "start": 44908821,
          "type": "SimpleInterval"
        "sequence_id": "ga4gh:SQ.IIB53T8CNeJJdUqzn9V_JnRtQadwWCbl",
        "type": "SequenceLocation"
      "state": {
        "sequence": "T",
        "type": "SequenceState"
      "type": "Allele"
    "ga4gh:VA.LQrGFIOAP8wEAybwNBo8pJ3yIG7tXWoh": {
      "location": {
        "interval": {
          "end": 44908684,
          "start": 44908683,
          "type": "SimpleInterval"
        "sequence_id": "ga4gh:SQ.IIB53T8CNeJJdUqzn9V_JnRtQadwWCbl",
        "type": "SequenceLocation"
      "state": {
        "sequence": "T",
        "type": "SequenceState"
      "type": "Allele"
    "ga4gh:VA.iXjilHZiyCEoD3wVMPMXG3B8BtYfL88H": {
      "location": {
        "interval": {
          "end": 44908684,
          "start": 44908683,
          "type": "SimpleInterval"
        "sequence_id": "ga4gh:SQ.IIB53T8CNeJJdUqzn9V_JnRtQadwWCbl",
        "type": "SequenceLocation"
      "state": {
        "sequence": "C",
        "type": "SequenceState"
      "type": "Allele"
  "hgvs_names": {
    "ga4gh:VA.UUvQpMYU5x8XXBS-RhBhmipTWe2AALzj": "NC_000019.10:g.44908822=",
    "ga4gh:VA.EgHPXXhULTwoP4-ACfs-YCXaeUQJBjH_": "NC_000019.10:g.44908822C>T",
    "ga4gh:VA.LQrGFIOAP8wEAybwNBo8pJ3yIG7tXWoh": "NC_000019.10:g.44908684=",
    "ga4gh:VA.iXjilHZiyCEoD3wVMPMXG3B8BtYfL88H": "NC_000019.10:g.44908684T>C"
  "rs_names": {
    "ga4gh:VA.UUvQpMYU5x8XXBS-RhBhmipTWe2AALzj": "rs7412C",
    "ga4gh:VA.EgHPXXhULTwoP4-ACfs-YCXaeUQJBjH_": "rs7412T",
    "ga4gh:VA.LQrGFIOAP8wEAybwNBo8pJ3yIG7tXWoh": "rs429358C",
    "ga4gh:VA.iXjilHZiyCEoD3wVMPMXG3B8BtYfL88H": "rs429358T"
  "freqs": {
    "gnomad": {
      "global": {
        "ga4gh:VA.UUvQpMYU5x8XXBS-RhBhmipTWe2AALzj": 0.9385,
        "ga4gh:VA.EgHPXXhULTwoP4-ACfs-YCXaeUQJBjH_": 0.0615,
        "ga4gh:VA.LQrGFIOAP8wEAybwNBo8pJ3yIG7tXWoh": 0.1385,
        "ga4gh:VA.iXjilHZiyCEoD3wVMPMXG3B8BtYfL88H": 0.8615