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File metadata and controls

150 lines (112 loc) · 4.84 KB


The GAB Social Command Line Parser for Java. The purpose of this project is to analyze and examine how I would create a command line parser for Java. Comments are welcome. Thank you.


This project requires the following:

* Java 8 or 11
* Maven

Maven Dependency




Use Maven to build - mvn package.


In order to parse the command line, you need to define what the commands are by calling Cmdline.defineCommand("xxx");

CmdLine.defineCommand("-help, #print this message")

The string used in the defineCommand() method, contains tokens that must use one of these symbols in order for it to be recognized as that type:

# = The description of the command. There may be zero to one defined.

! = A required value for the command name. There can be zero to many defined.

? = An optional value for the command name. There can be zero to many defined.

: = The regex value to match on for any values that are defined. There can be zero to one defined.

... = A value ends with ... and is a list for the command name. There can be zero to one defined. This can be used with the ! and ? symbols

If a token does not start with one of these tokens, then it is considered a command name. There can be one to many names that represent a single command, such as: 'f', 'file', 'filename' or '-f', '--file', '--filename'.


myApp [commands] [option1 [option2 [option3] ...]]
  -help                  print this message
  -version               print the version information and exit
  -quiet                 be extra quiet
  -verbose               be extra verbose
  -debug                 print debugging information
  -logfile <file>        use given file for log
  -logger <classname>    the class which is to perform logging
  -listener <classname>  add an instance of class as a project listener
  -D<property>=<value>   use value for given property
  -find <file>           search for file towards the root of the
                         filesystem and use it
// define a listener implementation of the CommandListener interface.
private class CmdLineListener implements CommandListener
    public void handle(final Command command)
        System.out.println( command );
// create an instance of the listener.
final CmdLineListener listener = new CmdLineListener();

// define/declare the commands the parser should parse.
// command names can start with any character that is not reserved.  reserved are !?#:
// the commands listed below use the - (dash) to denote a command, but this is not required.
CmdLine.defineCommand("-help, #print this message")
       .defineCommand("-version, #print the version information and exit")
       .defineCommand("-quiet, #be extra quiet")
       .defineCommand("-verbose, #be extra verbose")
       .defineCommand("-debug, #print debugging information")
       .defineCommand("-logfile, !logFile, #use given file for log")
       .defineCommand("-logger, !logClass, #the class which is to perform logging")
       .defineCommand("-listener, !listenerClass, #add an instance of class as a project listener")
       .defineCommand("-find, !buildFile, #search for file towards the root of the file system and use it");

Note:  The format of "-D<property>=<value>" is automatically supported and doesnt need to be defined.  
If a -D<property>=<value> is seen on the command line, it is parsed and set 
in the System properties.  In addition, a command is created and sent to the listener.

// parse the command line args and pass matching commands to the listener for processing.
final List<command> = CmdLine.parse( args, listener );

Click for more examples.

More Documentation

Check the project wiki.


[Copyright 2016 Gregory Brown]


This codebase is licensed under the Apache v2.0 License.


Comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!!!