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Releases: gabeluci/ARInside

ARInside 3.1.4

12 Mar 13:46
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  • Built against AR API 9.1.0 (the last available version of the C API)
  • When the server version is 21+ use "slow loading" for filters and escalations since ARGetMultipleFilters
    and ARGetMultipleEscalations always fail due to the API version mismatch
  • When the server version is 21+, ignore "Can't decode result" errors when reading filters and escalations
    since these are Innovation Studio objects and we don't want them anyway.


  • Fixed a null reference when building the documentation if some objects failed to be pulled from the
    server (this may happen if the server is version 21+)

ARInside 3.1.3

02 Aug 21:25
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First release on GitHub. Create an issue if you think I broke something.


  • Styling changes to meet accessibility standards WCAG 2.0 Level AA
  • Built against AR API 8.1.2 (from 8.1.0)
  • Some cosmetic changes to the tables and page footer


  • Don't allow + in file names (IIS requires double escaping to be enabled, which is off by default)
  • Fixed typo in the "--rpc" parameter (it was "--rcp")
  • A few of the jQuery images were missing from arires.tgz, but are used in the site
  • On a form page, the warning that a field is not in any views was being lost when filtering the list