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gabrielscarvalho edited this page Mar 19, 2021 · 5 revisions

Make it easier to populate your PostgreSQL and MySQL test environments, creating inserts with consistent random data. With clear language, you can focus on what makes your scenario unique.

Example: insert an inactive user which name is John. John must have 2 addresses. For all other params, I accept a random (but still valid) value.

// some pre-configurations steps that will be explained below...
database.insert('t_user', { name: 'John', is_active: false });



The result will be:

INSERT INTO "t_user" ("id", "name", "surname", "email", "gender", "is_active", "birth", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (1, 'John', 'Bryant', '', 'M', false, '2001-12-03', '2019-05-18 06:21:46', now());
INSERT INTO "t_address" ("id", "user_id", "street", "city", "country", "postcode", "phone", "receiver_name") VALUES (1, 1, 'Mofup Mill', 'Zadowwip', 'Congo - Brazzaville', '11216-075', '86 0451-9903', 'Norman Jackson');
INSERT INTO "t_address" ("id", "user_id", "street", "city", "country", "postcode", "phone", "receiver_name") VALUES (2, 1, 'Hepvep Grove', 'Jellebo', 'Puerto Rico', '05799-907', '36 3499-6594', 'Lucas Norris');
/*  --- ROLLBACK */ 
DELETE FROM "t_address" WHERE "id"=2;
DELETE FROM "t_address" WHERE "id"=1;
DELETE FROM "t_user" WHERE "id"=1;

Available databases:

  • Postgres
  • MySQL

Others databases will be added soon.

If you don't want to wait: check New Database Docs.


Clone random-db-populator-example. There you will find:

Tip: Use typescript version. It will make it easier!