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Gad D Lord edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 1 revision

Main Window

Ctrl+N - Create new deck

Ctrl+O, F2, F18 - Open existing deck for editing

Ctrl+S, F19 - Save current deck/collection

Shift+Ctrl+S - Save all opened decks

Ctrl+F4 - Close the active deck

Shift+Ctrl+F4 - Close all opened decks

Ctrl+I, F9 - Show deck properties

F6 - Show deck legality dialog box

F7 - Show deck statistics dialog box

Ctrl+F2 - Switch to 'Deck from Card Pool' mode.

Ctrl+F3 - Switch to 'Collection from Card Pool' mode.

Ctrl+F4 - Switch to 'Deck from Collection' mode.

F12 - Switch focus from Card Pool to Decks, Decks to Collection and back to Card Pool

Ctrl+Alt+M - Minimize the deck editor to Windows tray bar

Shift+Alt+L - Minimize the deck editor to Windows tray bar and lock it with password

Alt+X Alt+F4 - Quit the deck editor

Alt+F11 - Toggle Full Screen mode on/off

Enter, Num+, Space, Ins, F4, F13, Double click in card pool, Drag & Drop - Add selected cards to deck. If some of the cards are already present in the deck, their Qty will be increased by 1. The Qty cannot exceed 4.

Ctrl+Enter, Ctrl+Num+, Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+Ins, Ctrl+Drag&Drop - Add 4 copies of a card to deck or collection. The deck Qty cannot exceed 4. The collection Qty has no limit.

Shift+Ctrl+Enter, Shift+Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ctrl+Space, Shift+Ctrl+Num+, Shift+Ctrl+Drag&Drop - Add X copies of a card to deck or collection. The deck Qty cannot exceed 4. The collection Qty has no limit.

Shift+Enter, Shift+Ins, Shift+Space, Shift+Num+, Num*, Num/, Shift+Mouse wheel up, Shift+Drag&Drop - Add selected cards to sideboard. The sideboard Qty cannot exceed 4.

Del, Ctrl+Num-, Shift+Double click in Deck, Ctrl+Drag&Drop - Remove all copies from deck/collection of the card at once.

Shift+Num- Shift+Mouse wheel down, Shift+Drag & Drop Remove one card from the sideboard (if deck editing) or 1 card from Needed in collection

Shift+Ctrl+Num-, Shift+Ctrl+Drag&Drop - Remove X cards from the deck (if deck editing) or X cards from Needed in collection

Enter Num+, Space, Ins, F8, F15, Double click in card pool, Double click in collection, Drag & Drop - Add selected cards to collection.

Shift+Double click in collection - Increases the Needed quantity in collection.

Del, Ctrl+Num-, Shift+Double click in Deck, Ctrl+Drag&Drop - Decrease card quantity in the collection. If 0 is reached in Qty the card is deleted.

Num+, F11, F16, Ctrl+Alt+I, Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up, Middle mouse button - Increase the quantity of the selected card in the deck.

Ctrl+Alt+T - Middle mouse button Move cards from deck to sideboard.

Num-, F17, Ctrl+Alt+D, Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Down, Double click in Deck, Drag & Drop - Decrease the quantity of the selected card in the deck.

Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Del - Delete all cards from the current deck/collection

Ctrl+X, Shift+Del - Cut the selected cards from the active deck

Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Ins - Copy the selected cards from the active deck

Ctrl+V, Shift+Ins - Paste the cards in the active deck

Ctrl+A - Select all the cards from the active grid

Alt+P - Show Print Designer dialog box

Shift+Ctrl+P - Show Print Preview

Ctrl+P - Print

Ctrl+E - Export the selected card pool. deck, or collection to HTML.

Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+Tab - Go to next deck

Ctrl+Right, Shift+Ctrl+Tab - Go to previous deck

F3 - Show the Filter dialog box for the top grid

Shift+F3 - Show the Filter dialog box for the bottom grid

Ctrl+F - Search for card by card name. The same can be achieved by simple start typing in the Cards Grid

Ctrl+Down - Search for the next card. If Qty or SB column in Deck Cards Grid is selected - decrement cards' quantity

Ctrl+Up - Search for the previous card. If Qty or SB column in Deck Cards Grid is selected - increment cards' quantity

Esc, Shift+Ctrl+F - Cancel the incremental search

Home - Go to the first card in the grid

Page Up - Go to the previous page of cards

Up - Go to the previous card in the grid

Down - Go to the next card in the grid

Page Down - Go to the next page of cards

End - Go to the last card in the grid

Shift+Ctrl+B - Toggle bookmarks on or off

Ctrl+B - Go to bookmark

Ctrl+Alt+A - Automatically resize the card preview area and rulings panel

Ctrl+L - Toggle Legality Information visibility in card grids

Ctrl+T - Toggle card text visibility

Ctrl+Alt+C - Show Field Chooser

Ctrl+M - Show Messages dialog box

F10 - Show program options

Ctrl+G - Open the selected card in Gatherer.

Shift+Ctrl+V - Show Card Art Validator dialog

F1 - Show MTG Studio help

Ctrl+Alt+E - Restore the program from tray bar

Ctrl+F1 - Select the Preview tab in the Card Preview area

Ctrl+Click on Grid Header - Clear the column sorting by holding the Control key and clicking on the column header

Shift+Click on Grid Header - You can sort data by multiple columns - click on column headers while holding down the Shift key

Shift+Ctrl+Click on Grid Header - To remove the sorting of a single column while the sorting is applied to multiple columns hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys and click on the header of the column which you would like to remove

Deck Properties

Ctrl+C - Copy the whole content of the dialog box to clipboard

Ctrl+S - Save report

Alt+P - Show Designer dialog box

Shift+Ctrl+P - Show Print Preview dialog box

Ctrl+P - Print report

Ctrl+Enter - Simulate pressing OK button

Esc - Close Deck Properties dialog

Deck Legality

F1, Ctrl+1 - Check deck legality for Standard (Type 2) format

F2, Ctrl+2 - Check deck legality for Extended (Type 1.x) format

F3, Ctrl+3 - Check deck legality for Legacy (Type 1.5) format

F4, Ctrl+4 - Check deck legality for Vintage (Type 1) format

F5, Ctrl+5 - Check deck legality for all formats

Ctrl+Del - Delete the content of the report

Ctrl+C - Copy the selected text to clipboard

Ctrl+A - Select all the text in the report

Ctrl+S - Save the report in HTML or Txt format

Ctrl+F - Search for text in the report

Ctrl+Shift+P - Show Print Preview dialog box

Ctrl+P - Print the report

Esc - Close Deck Legality dialog

Deck Statistics

F2, Ctrl+2 - Card breakdown by card colors

F3, Ctrl+3 - Card breakdown by card rarity

F4, Ctrl+4 - Card breakdown by card type

F5, Ctrl+5 - Card breakdown by editions

F6, Ctrl+6 - Manalyzer

F7, Ctrl+7 - Probability

Ctrl+S - Save chart to number of different formats

Ctrl+C - Copy statistics to clipboard

Alt+P - Show Designer dialog box

Shift+Ctrl+P - Show Print Preview dialog box

Ctrl+P - Print report

Esc - Close Statistics dialog


F3 - Apply filter

Ctrl+F3 - Clear the filter

Еsc - Close Filter dialog


Ctrl+L - Find the selected card in the cards grid

Alt+P - Show Designer dialog box

Shift+Ctrl+P - Show Print Preview dialog box

Ctrl+P - Print report

Esc - Close Abilities dialog


Ctrl+C - Copy the whole content of the dialog box to clipboard

Ctrl+S - Save report

Ctrl+T - Show messages on a separate row

Ctrl+Del - Clear the messages

Alt+P - Show Designer dialog box

Shift+Ctrl+P Show Print Preview dialog box

Ctrl+P - Print report

Esc - Close the messages


F3 - Apply settings

Esc - Close Options dialog

Options - Card Art Folders

Ctrl+Enter - Select new folder

Ctrl+A, Num + - Add new folder

Ctrl+D, Del - Delete selected folder

Ctrl+R - Replace the selected folder with the newly typed one.

Ctrl+V - Delete all invalid (non-existing) paths.

Ctrl+Up - Move selected folder up. This will increase its search priority.

Ctrl+Down - Move selected folder down. This will decrease its search priority.

Options - Shortcuts

Alt+P - Show Designer dialog box

Shift+Ctrl+P - Show Print Preview dialog box

Ctrl+P - Print report

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