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Project setup

  1. Install node.js
  2. Clone the repository
  3. Open terminal and navigate to the project folder cd path/to/project
  4. Run yarn to install project dependencies, if you don't have it, you can install it by running npm i -g yarn
  5. To run various scripts of the project:
    • yarn dev to start localhost and run the project locally in dev mode (will run at localhost:8080)
    • yarn storybook to start Storybook (will run at localhost:6006)
    • yarn build to build the production version of the project
    • yarn lint to check the code, if this won't pass, the code won't be able to be built

IMPORTANT! Make sure to:

  1. Use Prettier and have the Editor: Format On Save setting in VSCode turned on
  2. Use blueprints for file generation

to keep the code consistent.

Using blueprints

Blueprints offer the functionality of automatic file generation. They save time and ensure that the file structure will follow the project standards.


  1. Install the Blueprint addon for VSCode
  2. Go to settings in VSCode (cmd+, on Mac or ctrl+, on Win/Linux)
  3. Search for "blueprint"
  4. Click Edit in settings.json
  5. Add the path to the Blueprint templates folder into settings.json - "blueprint.templatesPath": [ "path/to/project/blueprints" ]:
    • If you have only one project in your VSCode workspace, a relative path will work - ./blueprints
    • If you have multiple projects in your VSCode workspace, you need to provide an absolute path - /Users/blockunison/Documents/api-explorer/blueprints for example


  1. In VSCode, right click on a folder, in which you want to generate a new file from a Blueprint template (for example /src/components, /stories/ui etc.) and select New File from Template
  2. Select one of the available templates
  3. Register the new component in the index.js file of the folder, where you created the new component. For example, if you created a new component in /src/ui, you need to open /src/ui/index.js and export the new component - export { default as MyNewComponent } from './MyNewComponent. You don't need to do this with stories since every file with the .stories.js extension, located in the /stories folder, is autoloaded into Storybook.

Available templates

  • component, variables of this template:
    • value - name of the component, can be PascalCase or words separated by spaces (MyNewComponent / my new component)
  • story, variables of this template:
    • value - name of the story, can be PascalCase or words separated by spaces (MyNewComponent / my new component)
    • $category - what is the category of the component displayed by this story (layouts / components / ui)


Explorer of node RPC functions for Substrate based networks







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