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Masternode VPS Setup Guide

shensu edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 9 revisions


  1. Get a VPS from a provider like DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, etc.
    • Recommended VPS size: 512mb or 1gb RAM
    • It must be Ubuntu 18.04
  2. Make sure you have a transaction of exactly 1000 ORE in your desktop cold wallet in a legacy address (starts with a G).
    • To create a legacy address from the console: getnewaddress "" legacy

Cold Wallet Setup Part 1

  1. Open your wallet on your desktop.
  2. Go to the tab at the bottom that says "Tools"
  3. Go to the tab at the top that says "Console"
  4. Run the following command: masternode genkey
  5. You should see a long key that starts with 7:
  1. This is your private key, keep it safe, do not share with anyone.

VPS Setup

  1. Log into your VPS as root.
  2. Copy command into the VPS command line and hit enter:
wget && chmod +x && ./ && source ~/.bash_aliases
  1. When prompted, enter your private key from before.
  2. You will be asked for your VPS IP and a few other questions.
  3. The installation should finish successfully. Ask for help in discord if it doesn't.

Cold Wallet Setup Part 2

  1. Open your wallet on your desktop.
  2. Go to the tab at the bottom that says "Tools"
  3. Go to the tab at the top that says "Console"
  4. Run the following command: masternode outputs
  5. You should see output like the following if you have a transaction with exactly 1000 ORE:
    "12345678xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": "0"
  1. The value on the left is your txid and the right is the vout
  2. Go the the tab at the bottom that says "Settings"
  3. Click "Open Masternode Configuration File"
  4. Add a line to the bottom of the file using the VPS IP (with port 6270), private key, txid and vout:
mn1 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12345678xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 0 
  1. Save the file, exit your wallet and reopen your wallet.
  2. Go to the tab at the bottom that says "Tools"
  3. Go to the tab at the top that says "Console"
  4. Run the command:
masternode start-alias mn1

Congratulations, your setup should now be complete! Ask for help in discord if you need.

NOTE Your masternode will likely start out as the status PRE_ENABLED, then it will go to WATCHDOG_EXPIRED for about an hour before becoming ENABLED.