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This project aims to create a clean, easy to use CloudFormation template to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). The template is designed in such a way that it can be used as a nested stack and the output of the template could be used to specify the image ID for resources that require such an ID.

The primary focus is to create a CentOS 7 minimal installation AMI with additional security tightening applied. However, once this is done the goal is to create an extensible framework so any distribution could be easily added.

The use case for this template is to unbind templates from the hardcoded dependency on the AMI IDs. It is also a useful reference for some non-standard, outside-the-box approaches one could employ when they design CloudFormation templates.


aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> \
	--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
	--template-body file:///path/to/bootstrap.template \
	--parameters ParameterKey=SubnetId,ParameterValue=<subnet_id> \

Stack parameters

Parameter Type Required Default Description
BootstrapImage String No "" AMI for the bootstrap instance, should be using 'yum' and support 'cloud-init' (if empty will use Amazon Linux AMI)
BootstrapInstanceType String No "t2.micro" Instance type to use for the bootstrap image
BootstrapScriptUrl String No "" An URL of the alternative bootstrap script
BootstrapVolumeSize Number No 10 Size of the bootstrap volume that would be used as for the root filesystem (in GB)
KeyName String No "" Key pair name to install on the bootstrap image in case you need to debug the bootstrap process
SubnetId String Yes The ID of the Subnet where the bootstrap instance is going to be launched (must have Internet connectivity to download packages!)
UserData String No "" Additional commands to execute just before the image is going to be created
VpcId String No "" VPC where the bootstrap instance will be launched. If you do not specify this parameter you need to ensure that the default security group allows outbound traffic on tcp/80 and tcp/443
PreserveStack Boolean No "False" Whether this stack should be preserved after generation of the image or not (this should be used for debug purposes only)
ParentStackId String No "" The ID of the parent stack. Required if this stack is nested in another stack
UpdateTrigger String No "" Every time this parameter changes the associated stack would go through CloudFormation update routine, so if you want to regenerate the resulting AMI provide a different value each time you run the stack update
S3Bucket String No "" An S3 bucket name (possibly with the trailing path) from where bootstrap script would be able to retrieve objects using AWS CLI or API calls


The template generates an Amazon image using another AMI as a bootstrap instance. By default it uses the latest of Amazon Linux AMI for the region if no BootstrapImage parameter is provided to the stack.

In order to perform the installation of the operating system the bootstrap instance needs Internet access. Due to limitations of the CloudFormation template language and the desire to avoid unnecessary parameter requirements it was decided to implement the following logic:

  1. if no VPC ID was specified during the stack creation, the template will instantiate the bootstrap instance with the default security group assigned to it;
  2. if the VPC ID was provided at the stack creation time, the template will create a temporary security group allowing the outbound traffic to tcp/80 and tcp/443 anywhere.

It is worth it to mention that the bootstrap instance must be launched into the subnet where Internet connectivity is provided (either via NAT instance, NAT gateway, or the gateway if subnet is "public").

The bootstrap instance is configured to request the public IP to be assigned to it unconditionally during the creation of the instance. This was done to allow the instance to communicate with the upstream servers in case the instance was deployed into the "public" subnet.

It usually takes approximately from 30 to 60 minutes to create the AMI using this template. However, caching was also implemented and if the resulting AMI is matching any of the previously created AMIs the AMI build stage is skipped and the id of the previously created AMI is returned in the stack output instead. In this case it usually takes approximately 5 minutes to run through the template.


An AWS CloudFormation template to create an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)







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