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Working on a PR

Petru Alin Gheorghe edited this page Oct 22, 2019 · 2 revisions

So you've discovered Galio and thought to yourself: 'I think I can help out with this!'. That's cool! We love getting help from our community! We're explaining the whole process of submitting a PR here so keep on reading and have fun!


  1. You'll first have to fork the repo. (Don't forget to Star and Watch it as well so you'll always be updated on anything that's going on with Galio)
  2. Now you need a copy on your computer so by going to your local repository, look for the "SSH clone URL" button and copy your URL. Open up your terminal and write git clone then paste your URL. Now hit enter.
  3. Change into the new directory by typing: cd galio
  4. Now you need to set up a new remote that points to the original project so that you can grab any changes and bring them into your local copy. Basically, your project needs to be in sync with ours so you can get all the cool stuff. You can do that by writing the following line in your terminal: git remote add upstream
  5. Now you're ready to have fun developing Galio!

What do I work on?

As you can see there's a lot of issues open. These issues have different labels on them, one of them is 'Issue Taken'. If you see this label, it means you cannot work on that specific issue because someone else is already doing the work. But you can always jump in and give us feedback on anything you consider.

If an issue doesn't have the 'Issue Taken' label, take a look at it and decide for yourself if you'd like to participate or not. We have special labels for beginners called 'good for beginners' so if you're not that confident regarding your skills, you can always try one of those issues.


As we've written in our CONTRIBUTING file, we have 3 different main branches.

Always try to explain whatever you've done in your commits the best you can at the time you're submitting a new PR.

Check out our Gitter! Don't hesitate to ask any questions, we ❤️questions!

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