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gal kahana edited this page Jun 11, 2014 · 1 revision

You can draw shapes, and use them for line arts, backgrounds or borders. In Hummus Render, shapes, regardless of their role, are independent elements and have the same status as texts or images.
To draw a shape provide a shape entry in a box. Its value should be an object defining the shape properties.
For example, to following draws a rectangle:

	"pages": [
			"width": 595,
			"height": 842,
			"boxes": [
					"shape" : {
						"options": {


The definition in the example places a red filled rectangle with the width of 400 and height of 300, at the position 10X10.

The following provides information about the available entries in a shape object.

Method and method specific parameters

There are 4 possible shapes - rectangles, squares, circles or paths. Well...with paths you can create lots of i guess there's more than 4. In all cases the bottom,left of the box define the lower left corner of the shape.

The method property of the shape object defines the shape type. The following provides the values and additional parameters:

  • rectangle - draws a rectangle. Add also a width and height properties to define its width and height
  • square - draws a square. Define also width to set its edge measure.
  • circle - draws a circle, which bottom left is in the box bottom left. Define radius to set the circles radius.
  • path - draws a path through a series of points. The points are defined in an array value of a points entry. Each pair of numbers defines x and y coordinates in the path. The path runs through them. The points are defined in relation to the box left bottom corner.

The options object

The options object in a shape entry defines styling options for the shape. It can have the following entries:

  • type - either stroke or fill, for either drawing the shape, or filling it
  • colorspace - rgb, cmyk or gray, for either colorspace. default is rgb.
  • color - a number of the form 0xXXXXX, where each pair defines a color component. The number of components is dependent on the colorspace chosen. For example, for RGB you'll have something like 0xFF45DE, which would mean 255 for Red, 69 for Green, and 222 for Blue.
  • width - if you chose stroke for type, then this would provide the width of the line
  • close - for a path method only, this option is a boolean that determines whether a path should be closed or not. This decision is mainly important if you are using the path as a 'stroke'

As an alternative to defining colors with numbers and color spaces, you can provide to color a named color, e.g. pink. In this case you don't have to provide a colorspace entry as the color that will be used is an RGB equivalent following the CSS color values. You can find the full table here [or in any css colors table found around the deep and dark web].

So shapes aren't lonely you can place other elements on pages, see: Images