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Docker configuration directory backed against K/V (etcd) and service discovery (consul) with confd like templating


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Configuration File system

Config-fs is a key/value backed configuration file system. The daemon process synchronizes the content found in K/V store, converting the keys into files / directories and so forth. Naturally any changes which are made at the K/V end are propagated downstream to the config file system.

Current Status

  • Replication of the K/V store to the configuration directory is working
  • The watcher service needs to be completed and integrated - thus allowing for write access to the backend (though not a priority at the moment)
  • The dynamic resources work, but requires a code clean up
  • Presently only supports etcd for the K/V store and consul for discovery


   [jest@starfury config-fs]$ stage/config-fs --help
   Usage of stage/config-fs:
     -alsologtostderr=false: log to standard error as well as files
     -delete_stale=false: delete stale files, i.e files which do not exists in the backend k/v store
     -discovery="": the service discovery backend being used
     -interval=900: the default interval for performed a forced resync
     -log_backtrace_at=:0: when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace
     -log_dir="": If non-empty, write log files in this directory
     -logtostderr=false: log to standard error instead of files
     -mount="/config": the mount point for the K/V store
     -pre_sync=true: wheather or not to perform a initial config sync against the backend
     -read_only=true: wheather or not the config store of read-only
     -root="/": the root within the k/v store to base the config on
     -stderrthreshold=0: logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
     -store="etcd://localhost:4001": the url for key / value store
     -v=0: log level for V logs
     -vmodule=: comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging

Configuration Root

By default the configuration directory is build from root "/", though yje -root=KEY can override this. A use case for this would be expose only a subsection of the k/v store. For example, we can expose /prod/app/config directory to /config while hiding everything underneath; Note, all dynamic configs take keys root "/" as their context, so in our case we expose the config files, while placing the credentials, values, config etc the dynamic config reference out of reach.

Docker Usage

#/usr/bin/docker run \
  --name config-store \
  -e NAME=config-store \
  -e ENVIRONMENT=prod \
  -e VERBOSITY=10 \
  -v /config:/config \
  gambol99/config-fs \
  -mount=/config \
  -store=etcd://${COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4}:4001 \
  -discovery=consul://${COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4}:8500 \

Dynamic Config

Dynamic config works in a similar vain to confd. It presently supports the following methods when templating the file. Dynamic content is simply defined by prefixing the content with "$TEMPLATE$" (yes, not the most sophisticated means, but will work for now), note the prefix is removed from the actual content Note, any references to services or keys in the templates will automatically place a watch on them and trigger a re-generation on mutations.

# etcdctl set /env/prod/config/test.conf '$TEMPLATE$'
  username: {{ getv "/env/prod/data/db/username" }}
  password: {{ getv "/env/prod/data/db/password" }}
{{ service "frontend_http" }}

The method search the discovery provider for a service, returning the following struct

type Service struct {
	/* the descriptive for the service */
	Name string
	/* the tags associated to the service */
	Tags []string

{{ $service := service "frontend_http" }}
{{ $service.Tags }}
{{ services }}

Returns a array of all services from the discovery provider

{{ range services }}
Name: {{ .Name }}, Tags: {{ print "," | join .Tags }}
{{ end }}
{{ endpoints "frontend_http" }}

Similar to the above method, it returns an array of : endpoints in the service request.

The struct returned

type Endpoint struct {
  ID string
  /* the name of the service */
  Name string
  /* the ip address of the service */
  Address string
  /* the port the service is running on */
  Port int

{{ range getl "/services/frontends/" }}
frontend {{ base .Path }}
  bind *: {{ getv "/services/frontend/port" }}
  mode http
  default_backend {{ base .Path }}

backend {{ base .Path }}
  mode http
  balance roundrobin
  option forwardfor
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
  http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
{{ range service .Path }}  server {{.Address}}_{{.Port}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}}{{printf "\n"}}{{end}}
{{ end }}


{{range endpoints "frontend_http"}}  server {{.Address}}_{{.Port}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}}{{printf "\n"}}{{end}}
# Producing something like
{{ endpointsl "frontend_http" }}

A helper method for the one above, it simply hands back the endpoints as a array of strings

{{$services := endpoints "frontend_http"}}
services: {{join $services ","}}
{{ get "/this/is/a/key/im/interested/in" }}

The Get() method is used to retrieve and watch a key/pair with in the K/V store.

type Node struct {
    /* the path for this key */
    Path string
    /* the value of the key */
    Value string
    /* the type of node it is, directory or file */
    Directory bool

{{$node := get "/prod/config/database/password" }}
{{$node.Path}} {{$node.Value}}
{{ gets "/this/is/a/key/im/interested/in" }}

Returns an array of keypairs - essentially a list of children (files/directories) under the path

{{ range gets "/services/http/frontends" }}
{{ service

{{ end }}
{{ getv "/this/is/a/key/im/interested/in" }}

The GetValue() method is used to retrieve 'value' of a key with in the K/V store.

username: product_user
password: {{ getv "/prod/config/db/password" }}
{{ getr "/this/is/a/key/im/interested/" }}

The GetList() method is used to produce an aray of child keys (excluding directories) under the path specified.

Lets just assume for some incredible reason we are using the directory /prod/config/zookeeper to keep a list of zookeepers ... i.e. /prod/config/zookeeper/zoo101 =>, /prod/config/zookeeper/zoo102 => etc.

{{range getr "/prod/config/zookeeper"}}
server {{.Value}}{{end}

Checks to see if a value is inside an array i.e. check if a tag is present in a service

{{ if "haproxy" | contained .Tags }}
Not really a fan of this pipeline thing ... give me ERB any day

Takes a argument, hopefully some json string and unmarshalls string in a map[string]value


Takes a json string and unmarshalls string in an array of map[string]value

Additional (well add example later)
"base":      path.Base,
"dir":       path.Dir,
"split":     strings.Split,
"getenv":    os.Getenv,
"join":      strings.Join}


  • Fork it
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  • Create new Pull Request
  • If applicable, update the


Docker configuration directory backed against K/V (etcd) and service discovery (consul) with confd like templating





