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Getting started

Gamliel edited this page Jun 21, 2022 · 1 revision

Creating a new streamlit project

pr-st-cli new --help



You can use the Pernod Ricard streamlit template by passing the option like so:

pr-st-cli new --use-pr-st-template


You can use the native multipage of streamlit by passing the option like so:

pr-st-cli new --multipage

This will create a pages folder where there will be an example page


You can generate an python file named that will help you with your connections to azure keyvault by passing this option:

pr-st-cli new --azure-keyvault

Root of the project

You need to specify a path for the command. It will put the generated folders there.

pr-st-cli [OPTIONS] /path/to/my/project

By default the path is the current working directory

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