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A platform to read articles from different sources

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News Reader

A platform to read news from different sources using Go.


  1. install Go on Ubuntu //
  2. git clone this repo // git clone
  3. check update binary
  4. create a log directory
  5. check run on server (in background)

run on server (in background)

nohup ./main > log/main.out & // use fuser -k 8080/tcp to kill a process by port number

run on local

go run main.go

update binary (on different platform, ex: mac os, ubuntu)

go build main.go will generate a new main binary code

unit test

go test ./...

news sources

News API:

run on Docker

How to Build Image

$ cd ~/go/src/  // change directory to where Dockerfile resides

$ docker build -t ganboonhong/reader . // -t: image tag

Create and run a new container from an image

docker run -d -p 80:8080 reader 
// -d: detached mode
// -p: port mapping,  Docker_host_port:container_port 
// reader: image name

Frequent Use Commands

$ docker rm CONTAINER_ID // Remove a container
$ docker stop CONTAINER_ID // Stop a container
$ docker start CONTAINER_ID // Start a container
$ docker rm -f CONTAINER_ID // Force the removal of a running container: (stop and remove) 
$ docker ps // List active containers
$ docker ps -a // List all containers
$ docker rm $(docker ps -aq) // Remove all containers

$ docker images // List images
$ docker images -f dangling=true // Show unstagged images
$ docker rmi IMAGE_ID // Remove single image
$ docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q) // Remove all unstageged images

$ docker-compose up // create and start containers according to docker-compose.yml file


A platform to read articles from different sources






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