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🎯 Gantree Frontend App

Spin up a dev environment:

  1. Clone repo
  2. Ensure build-essential is installed on your platform
  3. Fetch all module dependencies: $> yarn
  4. Copy .env.example to .env and update values (see below)
  5. Make sure there is a Gantree web backend instance running


FirebaseUI is not compatible out of the box with Rollup. You need to make one tweak to the firebaseui code.
Edit /node-modules/firebaseui/dist/ems.js and change import * as firebase from 'firebase/app' to import firebase from 'firebase/app'

(there's most likely a workaround for this somewhere)

Local Development


If that doesn't work...

yarn dev

Production Build



To see all required environment variables, refer to .env.example.

GRAPHQL_URL=http://localhost:4000/graphql graphql endpoint
SOCKETIO_URL=http://localhost:5100 socketio URL
MODE=dev production|dev
FIREBASE_APIKEY=[xxx] firebase credentails
FIREBASE_AUTHDOMAIN=[xxx] firebase credentails
FIREBASE_DATABASEURL=[xxx] firebase credentails
FIREBASE_PROJECTID=[xxx] firebase credentails
FIREBASE_STORAGEBUCKET=[xxx] firebase credentails
FIREBASE_MESSAGINGSENDERID=[xxx] firebase credentails
FIREBASE_APPID=[xxx] firebase credentails


Graphical elements sourced form Undraw