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Database Container

This is database container running MySQL 5.7, intended to use for local development environment.


Copy .env.dist to .env. Change variables as you need.

  • DOCKER_VOLUME_DIR: Path to the directory where your database data will be stored on the host machine so that it will not be deleted after the container is deleted. The default is local-db directory at the root of this repo.
  • CONTAINER_NAME: The name used to refer this container from other container.
  • NETWORK_NAME: Other containers accessing this container should be on the network of the same name.

Controlling Database Container

Create docker network

If you have not created a docker network with the name specified in .env file, create it with the command below. Example uses local-net as its name.
If you already have it, skip to "Create & Start Container" section.

docker network create --driver bridge local-net

To see if it is created successfully, execute below.

docker network ls

If you want to remove the network, this is the command to do it.

docker network rm local-net

Create & Start Container

Execute the command below in the directory where docker-compose.yml file resides. This command creates and runs a container based on the configuration in this yml file.

docker-compose up -d

Stop Container

Stopping container does NOT delete the container but shuts down.

docker-compose stop

Start Container

Stopped container can be started again by start command.

docker-compose start

Delete Container

Deleting container. This command will preserve the database content.

docker-compose down

To delete the database content also, add -v option to delete it together.

docker-compose down -v

Connecting to MySQL on the Container

Administrative User

  • username: root
  • password: root

Connect from Host Machine

Below is the command to login to mysql on the container from the host machine.
The access to the port 53306 of the host machine is forwarded to the port 3306 of the database container.

mysql -h -P 53306 -u root -proot

Connect from Other Container

Below is the command to log-in to mysql on the container from the other container.
The host name of the database container is as specified in .env file.

mysql -h local-db -u root -proot

Creating Database

Login to MySQL by either way of above.
Create DB user and database for your project.

Below is example SQL to

  • create a user named as my_user with password my_pass,
  • allow this user to read everything,
  • create database named my_database,
  • and allow this user to do everything on this database.
CREATE USER 'my_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'my_pass';
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'my_user'@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `my_database`.* TO 'my_user'@'%';

Backup Data for Development

Example of taking backup of only blog_posts table, only data, from local machine.

Example - backup:

$ mysqldump -h -P 53306 -u root -proot -t my_database blog_posts > blog_posts_data_only_20180527.sql

Example - restore:

mysql -h -P 53306 -u root -proot my_database < blog_posts_data_only_20180527.sql


docker-compose for MySQL container






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