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The module provides functionality for getting the information about the app.

Information About the Current App

To get the information about the current app, use AppInformation.Current property:

using Gapotchenko.FX.AppModel.Information;
using System;

var info = AppInformation.Current;

Console.WriteLine("Product: {0}", info.ProductName);
Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", info.ProductVersion);
Console.WriteLine("Company: {0}", info.CompanyName);
Console.WriteLine("Copyright: {0}", info.Copyright);

This can be useful for purposes like showing an about box in GUI or a copyright banner in console.


Gapotchenko.FX.AppModel.Information module is available as a NuGet package:

PM> Install-Package Gapotchenko.FX.AppModel.Information

Other Modules

Let's continue with a look at some other modules provided by Gapotchenko.FX:

Or look at the full list of modules.