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Sly edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 1 revision


  • CLI

    • Have CLI check latest version against npm repository
    • Check for most common student mistakes - ie no for/while loops in JS1,2,3

    • API /auth will look at the cookie or off token header and send back user information. Challenges: Express-Session is only enabled on api/graphql. We need to turn off CORS for this route to enable access for students.
    • Discord Oauth integration - research NextAuth for improved integration
    • settings page for changing password
    • Add chat with me button to comment section of challenge review
    • DigitalOcean Integration
    • Add "Graduates" on front page
    • upgrading the bootstrap v5 and nextjs v12 are going to be two important updates that currently have blocking issues. Bootstrap needs class name migrations and next requires getting rid of the babel config file and fixing some issue with our apolloClient script not working for server side generation
    • See completed submissions from profile - browse other people's submissions
  • IDEAS!

    • Solution discussion board ? (like leetcode problem discussion).
    • Grading rubric - Guidelines to encourage more students to review

Carry over-

  • Content Improvements
    • Git problems -- make git games!
    • async await, and testing with async await
    • Are you a windows user? link to chatroom to windows chatroom
    • setting up webpack/babel, needs more info on it
    • module on tests
    • Messaging
      • People don't like (to address)
        • Recursion
      • change messaging on landing page
  • Review Process - interact with reviewer
  • Domain name / server (1 year) gift to students who gets pass JS4
    • DO's API -> create a server instance for students who complete JS4
    • Registrar (DNS) API -> buy domain names
  • Email / notification problem
    • Segment users - JS0, JS1, JS2... JS6
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