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A library for wrapping data in AngularJS


bower install angular-gs-stereotype


Include the package in your application:

<!-- all of this is required -->
<script src='bower_components/lodash/dist/lodash.js'></script>
<script src='bower_components/angular-gs-capitalize/build/angular-gs-capitalize.js'></script>
<script src='bower_components/angular-gs-to-camel-case/build/angular-gs-to-camel-case.js'></script>
<script src='bower_components/angular-gs-to-snake-case/build/angular-gs-to-snake-case.js'></script>
<script src='bower_components/angular-gs-invert-case/build/angular-gs-invert-case.js'></script>
<script src='bower_components/angular-gs-invert-case/build/angular-gs-stereotype.js'></script>
angular.module('app', ['gs.stereotype']);

Create a model by calling the Sterotype function

.factory('SomeModel', function (Stereotype) {
  return Stereotype([
    // this mixins must be injectable services
    // any keys not registered in the schema will be removed when
    // instantiating a new wrapper
    id: undefined,
    name: 'some default value'
  }).wrap(function (data) {
    // a place where you can make additional changes to the data after it's been
    // extended with the mixins
    data.doSomething = function () { 


    return data;

Use it in your application with the .mixin method

.controller('SomeCtrl', function (SomeModel) {
  var something = SomeModel.mixin({name: 'some data', keyNotInSchema: 'will be removed'});