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OIDC Webhook Authenticator


In Kubernetes you can authenticate via several authentication strategies:

  • x509 Client Certificates
  • Static Token Files
  • Bootstrap Tokens
  • Static Password File (Basic authentication - deprecated and removed in 1.19)
  • Service Account Tokens
  • OpenID Connect TOkens
  • Webhook Token Authentication
  • Authenticating Proxy

End-users should use OpenID Connect (OIDC) Tokens created by OIDC-compatible Identity Provider (IDP) and present id_token to the Kube APIServer. If the API server is configured to trust the IDP and the token is valid, then the user is authenticated and the UserInfo is send to the authorization stack.

Ideally, operators of the Gardener cluster should be able to authenticate to end-user Shoot clusters with id_token generated by OIDC IDP, but in many cases, end-users might have already configured OIDC for their cluster and more than one OIDC configurations are not allowed.

Another interesting application of multiple OIDC providers would be per Project OIDC provider where end-users of Gardener can add their own OIDC-compatible IDPs.

To workaround the one OIDC per Kube APIServer limitation, a new OIDC Webhook Authenticator (OWA) could be implemented.


  • Dynamic registrations of OpenID Connect configurations.
  • Close as possible to the Kubernetes build-in OIDC Authenticator.
  • Build as an optional extension and not required for functional Shoot or Gardener cluster.



The Kube APIServer can use Webhook Token Authentication to send a Bearer Tokens (id_token) to external webhook for validation:

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "TokenReview",
  "spec": {
    "token": "(BEARERTOKEN)"

Where upon verification, the remote webhook returns the identity of the user (if authentication succeeds):

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "TokenReview",
  "status": {
    "authenticated": true,
    "user": {
      "username": "",
      "uid": "42",
      "groups": [
      "extra": {
        "extrafield1": [

Registration of new OpenIDConnect

This new OWA can be configured with multiple OIDC providers and the entire flow can look like this:

  1. Admin adds a new OpenIDConnect resource (via CRD) to the cluster.

    kind: OpenIDConnect
      name: foo
      clientID: some-client-id
      usernameClaim: email
      usernamePrefix: "test-"
      groupsClaim: groups
      groupsPrefix: "baz-"
      - RS256
        baz: bar
      caBundle: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJU...base64-encoded CA certs for issuerURL.
    1. OWA watches for changes on this resource and does OIDC discovery. The OIDC provider's configuration has to be accessible under the spec.issuerURL with a well-known path (.well-known/openid-configuration).
  2. OWA uses the jwks_uri obtained from the OIDC providers configuration, to fetch the OIDC provider's public keys from that endpoint and stores them in the status of OpenIDConnect:

    kind: OpenIDConnect
      name: foo
      keys: f31deA9b... #the content of jwks_uri base64-encoded
  3. OWA uses those keys, issuer, client_id and other settings to add OIDC authenticator to a in-memory list of Token Authenticators.

alt text

End-user authentication via new OpenIDConnect IDP

When a user presents an id_token obtained from a OpenID Connect the flow looks like this:

  1. The user authenticates in Custom IDP.

  2. id_token is obtained from Custom IDP.

  3. The user uses id_token to perform an API call to Kube APIServer.

  4. As the id_token is not matched by any build-in or configured authenticators in the Kube APIServer, it is send to OWA for validation.

      "TokenReview": {
        "kind": "TokenReview",
        "apiVersion": "",
        "spec": {
          "token": "ddeewfwef..."
  5. OWA uses TokenReview to authenticate the calling API server (the Kube APIServer for delegation of authentication and authorization is different from the calling API server).

    Example: When a Shoot cluster's API Server is configured to verify tokens by OWA, that API server will be the callee API server. The Seed API server will be used for delegating authentication and authorization.

      "TokenReview": {
        "kind": "TokenReview",
        "apiVersion": "",
        "spec": {
          "token": "api-server-token..."
  6. After the Authentication API server returns the identity of callee API server:

        "apiVersion": "",
        "kind": "TokenReview",
        "metadata": {
            "creationTimestamp": null
        "spec": {
            "token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6InJocEdLTXZlYjV1OE5heD..."
        "status": {
            "authenticated": true,
            "user": {
                "groups": [
                "uid": "14db103e-88bb-4fb3-8efd-ca9bec91c7bf",
                "username": "system:serviceaccount:shoot--abcd:kube-apiserver"

    OWA makes a SubjectAccessReview call to the Authorization API server to ensure that callee API server is allowed to validate tokens:

      "apiVersion": "",
      "kind": "SubjectAccessReview",
      "spec": {
        "groups": [
        "nonResourceAttributes": {
          "path": "/validate-token",
          "verb": "post"
        "user": "system:serviceaccount:shoot--abcd:kube-apiserver"
      "status": {
        "allowed": true,
        "reason": "RBAC: allowed by RoleBinding \"kube-apiserver\" of ClusterRole \"kube-apiserver\" to ServiceAccount \"system:serviceaccount:shoot--abcd:kube-apiserver\""
  7. OWA then iterates over all registered OpenIDConnect Token authenticators and tries to validate the token.

  8. Upon a successful validation it returns the TokeReview with user, groups and extra parameters:

      "TokenReview": {
        "kind": "TokenReview",
        "apiVersion": "",
        "spec": {
          "token": "ddeewfwef..."
        "status": {
          "authenticated": true,
          "user": {
            "username": "",
            "groups": [
            "extra": {
              "": [
              "": [
              "": [
              "": [
              "": [
              "": [

    It also adds some extra information which can be used by custom authorizers later on:

    1. contains all the groups of the API server which is making the TokenReview request (it's the ServiceAccount of the API Server Pod in this case)
    2. contains the UID of the API server which is making the TokenReview request (it's the ServiceAccount of the API Server Pod in this case)
    3. contains the username of the API server which is making the TokenReview request (it's the ServiceAccount of the API Server Pod in this case)
    4. contains the name of the OpenIDConnect authenticator which was used.
    5. contains the metadata.uid of the OpenIDConnect authenticator which was used.
    6. contains the metadata.resourceVersion of the OpenIDConnect authenticator which was used.
  9. Kube APIServer proceeds with authorization checks and returns response.

An overview of the flow:

alt text

Deployment for Shoot clusters

To save cost, a single (multi-replica) deployment of OWA can be deployed in the Seed cluster. All Shoot API Servers are started with


where /etc/webhook/kubeconfig would contain a standard kubeconfig, with using for authentication the Service Account token of the API Server:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- name: authenticator
    certificate-authority-data: LS0tLS1CRU...
    server: https://oidc-webhook-authenticator/odic-authenticator-system.svc/validate-token
- name: token
    tokenFile: /var/run/secrets/
current-context: webhook
- context:
    cluster: authenticator
    user: token
  name: webhook

Depending on the version of the Seed cluster and configuration, Service Account Token Volume projection should be used instead of static ServiceAccount Tokens:

- name: oidc-authenticator-token
    - serviceAccountToken:
        path: oidc-authenticator-token
        expirationSeconds: 7200
        audience: oidc-authenticator

OWA is deployed via ControllerRegistration, which deploys the necessary components and inject the necessary shoot kube-apiserver configuration via a MutatingWebhookConfiguration.