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Liu Mengxing edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 6 revisions

Installation Procedure

There are four ways to run (and hence install) anatROIs:

Docker container

  • Install a docker client in your machine, see Docker installation.
  • Launch the command: docker pull garikoitz/anatrois:<version>
  • We tested in Linux and MacOS


Follow this instructions for converting Dockers to singularity. Our containers have been tested in Singularity, usually no further adjustments are required, but it can depend on Singularity installation specifics.

What we usually do to create singularity images is:

  • Login to the HPC Cluster
  • module load singularity
  • $ mkdir path/to/where/you/want/to/store/your_singularity_images
  • $ cd path/to/where/you/want/to/store/your_singularity_images
  • $ singularity build ./anatROIs_<version>.sif docker://garikoitz/anatROIs:<version>

As part of the Flywheel platform

  • Requires a paid Flywheel account, usually provided by your institution.
  • If not available in the drop-down analysis gear list, ask your administration to install it.

Directly in your machine

Everything inside the containers can be run natively. This means that you will need to have all the software that we install in the container installed in your machine. Once you do that, you can:

  • Git clone the repositories, prepare the input data and config files and use the bin/run file
  • WE DON'T RECOMMEND THIS PATH. There are other dependencies that we control on the Docker containers that can't be controlled. The libraries will be different, different version in all softwares...
  • This should only be used for development and testing purposes. If you want to contribute to the tool by fixing bugs or adding functionalities please let us know and we will help setting it up.