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Reconstructing the 3D structure of historical San Francisco from Harrison Ryker's 1938 aerial photographs

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3D reconstruction of 1938 San Francisco

This repository contains a pipeline for reconstructing 3D topography from a set of partially-overlapping images taken by uncalibrated cameras. We demonstrate this system on a set of aerial images of San Francisco taken by Harrison Ryker in 1938, preserved by the San Francisco Public Library, and digitized by the David Rumsey Map Center.

map showing the error in our reconstruction

The map above shows the RMSE of our reconstruction, compared against a 2013 digital elevation map (DEM) with 1/3 arc-second resolution (approximately 10 meters). Our point cloud reconstruction is binned at the resolution of the DEM. More information about these DEMs is available here.

Total RMSE for our reconstruction, compared against the 2013 DEM is 35.42 meters.

Some renderings of our reconstruction:


Estimates (silver) and ground truth (gold). North is up.


Estimates (silver) and ground truth (gold). Profile view.


Estimates (silver) and ground truth (gold). Northeast is up.


Estimates (silver) and ground truth (gold). North is up.


Ground truth. North is up.

In all renderings above, the ground truth dataset (DEM) is in gold, while our estimates are in silver. Note that the ground truth dataset is complete; we have cropped it here to show only those latlngs for which we have elevation estimates.

See Rendering below for the details of how this rendering was created.

Here's how our reconstruction stacks up against the ground truth:

Dataset RMSE (meters) Variance
Ground truth elevation 0 1462.82
Unscaled (raw) estimates 63.66 0.000024
Flat estimate (null hypothesis) 41.55 0
Affine-aligned estimates 35.42 208.35

The RMSE for the ground truth elevation is 0 by definition. The unscaled (raw) estimates are the raw values output from the reconstruction pipeline. These raw values are fit to the ground truth elevations using an affine transformation to obtain the "affine-aligned estimates." The "flat estimate" represents the null hypothesis for reconstruction -- a flat horizontal plane located at the average elevation of the ground truth dataset.

The table above shows that the aligned estimates are substantially better than the raw estimates (as is to be expected, since structure-from-motion methods leave an affine ambiguity in the 3D reconstruction). The table also shows that our aligned estimates perform only marginally better than the null hypothesis. The variance calculations reveal that the reconstructed topography is too flat.

Further work should investigate why the reconstruction is so flat. The elevations are initialized to the same height at the beginning of bundle adjustment, so it is possible that bundle adjustment is simply not running for enough iterations. Further tuning of bundle adjustment could yield gains in accuracy and articulation in the reconstructed surface.


To run the pipeline, build the code (see below for instructions), and then run:

find $PWD/$IMAGES -type f | xargs reconstruct_3d

where $IMAGES is the (local) path to the directory where you have downloaded the images.


The code which partitions the georectified images into overlapping sets uses CGAL, so you will need to install the dev libraries for CGAL on your machine before building. On Ubuntu, you can do this using apt-get. You will also need to install and build SBA and its dependencies, which you can do as follows:

curl -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0" \ > sba-1.6.tgz
tar -xvzf sba-1.6.tgz -C third_party
cd third_party/sba-1.6
cmake .
make sba

It is ok if cmake . and make sba output warnings. Make sure to run make sba and not make, as the eucsbademo target is broken. To link sba, you will need lapack and BLAS, which you can install on ubuntu via apt-get.

To build and run the C++ code, run:

export SBAROOT=$PWD/third_party/sba-1.6
mkdir -p build
cd build && cmake .. && make
find /path/to/src/images -type f | xargs ./reconstruct_3d

Before submitting your code, you should run the Google C++ linter to ensure consistent style (you can install with pip install cpplint).

cpplint --filter=-build/include_subdir include/*.h src/*.cc

If there are lint errors, clang-format can probably fix many of them:

find src include -type f | xargs clang-format -style=google -i

Downloading images

Use the script in scripts/

mkdir images/full_resolution -p
python scripts/ images.txt images/full_resolution

The images.txt file contains the URLs of GeoTIFFs representing orthorectified images taken by Harrison Ryker of San Francisco in 1938, digitized by the David Rumsey Map Collection. The line number in images.txt indicates the number of the image in the Map Collection.

NOTE: All of the images are in their original state, as georeferenced by the David Rumsey Map Collection, except for image 61, which had only 2 control points. I added several more ground control points in order to orthorectify this image.

  • Images 143 and 148 are missing because they lack sufficient features to identify point matches, between the image and the satellite layer, even by hand.
  • Bad images: 45, 101

Preprocessing images

The GeoTIFF images available on Georeferencer (example) are extremely large (e.g. 11347x13517). Resizing the images is necessary to make the pipeline tractable. You can use GDAL to resize the downloaded GEOTIFFs. For example, to resize an image called input.tif to be 512 pixels wide, maintaining the aspect ratio of the image, and write it to a new file output.tif, run:

gdalwarp -of GTiff -ts 512 0 input.tif output.tif

See this answer on StackOverflow for more details.


We evaluate the quality of our reconstruction against a 2013 DEM of San Francisco. To run this evaluation yourself, you will first need to download the DEM yourself from the USGS website.

curl >
unzip -d sf_dem

This DEM covers the entire San Francisco Bay Area, so we crop it using GDAL to cover only San Francisco:

gdalwarp sf_dem/grdn38w123_13/w001001x.adf -te \
    -122.533879065 37.6915998476 \
    -122.343652693 37.8195619919 \

You can then run evalution with:

SRC_IMAGE_PROJECTION=$(gdalinfo /path/to/a/src/image.tif -json -proj4 | jq -r '.coordinateSystem.proj4')
python scripts/ SanFranciscoCropped.adf \
    /path/to/adjusted_points.csv $SRC_IMAGE_PROJECTION

Note that this assumes you have already run the reconstruction pipeline; adjusted_points.csv is one of the files that the reconstruction pipeline outputs. Each line in this file contains the x,y,z coordinates of a reconstructed point (x and y coordinates are in the coordinate reference system of the source images).

Note that if you are running this script in a virtual environment (e.g. virtualenv), you may have trouble installing GDAL. The following should work:

pip download GDAL
tar -zxvf GDAL-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
cd GDAL-1.11.2
python build_ext --include-dirs=/usr/include/gdal/
python build
python install

where X.Y.Z should match the version of GDAL you already have installed on your system (check gdalinfo --version). See Python GDAL package missing header file, Installing GDAL in a Python virtual environment, Installing GDAL into a python virtualenv.


The renderings of the reconstructed ground surface of San Francisco were created in Meshlab and Blender. To reproduce:

  1. Import the reconstructed points into Meshlab as a .asc file (plain list of x,y,z points)
  2. Reconstruct the meshed surface. Remeshing, Simplification, and Reconstrution > Surface Reconstruction: Ball-pivoting (again, use the default settings). Note that ball-pivoting works better for our partial reconstruction than Poisson reconstruction because it preserves the original points along with the holes which indicate missing data. Note that the ball-pivoting algorithm requires that data on the x, y, and z axes have similar ranges.
  3. Export mesh to STL.
  4. Open the STL file in Blender and experiment with different camera angles to find angles which convey a qualitative sense of the topography of the reconstruction. Use the numeric keys to rotate the camera by increments of 15 degrees about the x, y, and z axes. Color the dataset different colors by selecting each dataset in turn and creating a new material for each selection. Change the background color, if desired, by changing the theme background color in File > User Preferences > Themes > 3D editor. Take screenshots.
  5. Done!


Reconstructing the 3D structure of historical San Francisco from Harrison Ryker's 1938 aerial photographs






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