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Employee Directory Information


For this propject I used a Ruby on Rails backend with a PostgreSQL database. I made three models: Employees, Departments, and Users. Employees belong to a department and a department has many employees. There is only one user who is the admin. Only the admin can create, update, and destory employees. I used a loop in a seed file to make 100 calls to in order to generate 100 random employees with random data. I assigned each employee to one of five departments randomly as well. I used the bcrypt gem along with the jwt gem to hash passwords and store json web tokens in the browser for logged in users (the admin).


For the frontend, I created a Vue.js app. The views include a home page that serves as the directory of all employees with a search bar to search by any employee attribute, a login page for the admin to login, an employee show page which can be accessed by clicking an employee's picture from the directory, an employee update modal accesssible by the admin from each show page, an employee delete modal accessible by the admin from each show page, and an employee create page accessible by the admin. I used Bootstrap to add some minor styling to forms, buttons, and cards. I used Vue2-filters to implement the search functionality.


The backend is hosted at while the frontend is hosted at The app should be fully functional from the frontend link.

Extra Notes

I had a blast making this project, and this is truthfully the first full-stack project I've finished and deployed. I missed the step to name my backend (hence pacific-thicket-40492). Thanks for the opportunity to work on this and sharpen my skills. I look forward to further discussion!


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