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Garrett Foy edited this page May 18, 2020 · 1 revision


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Administration Commands

/ban [Player] [Time] [Reason]

Bans a player through MAUL for a set time and reason. Time may be formatted in a 1h or 1m format, but multiple time symbols are currently not supported

/history [Player] (Entries)

Performs a MAUL ban lookup on a player. If no entries are specified, it will default to 100 entries

/playerinfo [Player]

Returns useful information such as UUID, Division, Forum Name, and Rank about the player

/kick [Player] (reason)

Kicks a player from the server with a formatted (optional) reason. Kicks are currently not logged via CPAS

/mute [Player] [Time] [Reason]

Globally mutes a player for time, with reason. Time is formatted the same way as bans

/mutehistory [Player] (entries)

Fetches past mutes pertaining to a player. Default entries is set to 5

/unmute [Player]

Removes all mutes from a player.

Nickname Commands

By default, CPAS takes a player's forum name and converts it to their forum name. For dedicated supporters, they may add colors by default, but the actual text of the nickname must match their forum name. Leadership has permission to override this restriction.

/nick (Player) [Nickname]

Set's a player's global nickname to a given string, Color Codes are supported.

/realname [Nickname]

Takes an unformatted nickname and returns that player's real name

/realnick [Player]

Takes a player's name and returns their nickname, if they have one

/unnick (Player)

Removes a nickname from a player, or yourself

Note Commands

Notes are CPAS's global version of warnings. Notes can be added, seen, and removed cross-server and are a useful tool to keep track of information between admins when not all players involved are online.

/note [Player] [Note]

Adds a note to a player's file

/notes [Player] (Entries)

Displays a player's notes. If no entries are given, the default value is 5

/unnote [Player] [Index]

Removes a player's note at the index given. To view all index's, use the /notes command

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