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General Information

I wanted to revamp my personal site in preparation for applying to jobs after a few months of traveling abroad. Thought it would be fun/creative/disturbing to make a 3D model of my head and use it to describe projects that I'm working on as well as have a clean place to showcase some of my past projects.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js v13.4.18
  • react-three/fiber v8.13.7
  • r3f-spline v1.0.2
  • React Spring v9.7.3


Showcasing .glb and .gltf models using react-three/fiber and r3f-spline

Project Status

Version 1: complete as of 10/15/23


  • Performance on the homepage can be improved. Will most likely run the models back through blender and decrease amount of vertices as some of te models imported from Spline have a ton

To Do

Task Status
Add Store page
Fix homepage performance


Credit to pmndrs docs for the getting me the basics of r3f which is the center of this project.