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Python Mock Library Comparison

.. testsetup:: *

    import sys
    import mock
    from flexmock import flexmock
    import mox
    import somemodule
    import dingus
    import fudge
    from mocker import Mocker

    def assertEqual(a, b):
        assert a == b, ("%r != %r" % (a, b))

    def assertRaises(Exc, func):
        except Exc:
        assert False, ("%s not raised" % Exc)

    class SomeException(Exception):
        some_method = method1 = method2 = None
    SomeObject = SomeException
    some_other_object = somemodule.SomeClass()

This is a side-by-side comparison of how to accomplish some basic tasks with popular Python mocking libraries and frameworks.

The libraries are:

Some mocking tools are intentionally omitted:

  • python-mock (last release in 2005)
  • pmock (last release in 2004 and doesn't import in modern Pythons).

Other mocking frameworks are not yet represented here:

This comparison is by no means complete, and also may not be fully idiomatic for all the libraries represented. Please contribute corrections and missing comparisons to the GitHub project. Pull requests are appreciated.


Many examples tasks here were originally created by Mox, which is a mocking framework rather than a library like mock or Dingus. Some tasks shown naturally exemplify tasks that frameworks are good at and not the ones they make harder. In particular you can take a Mock, MagicMock, FlexMock or Dingus object and use it in any way you want with no up-front configuration.

The Comparisons

Simple fake object

>>> # Mock
>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
>>> my_mock.some_method.return_value = "calculated value"
>>> my_mock.some_attribute = "value"
>>> assertEqual("calculated value", my_mock.some_method())
>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_attribute)

>>> # Flexmock
>>> some_object = flexmock(some_method=lambda: "calculated value",
...                          some_attribute="value")
>>> assertEqual("calculated value", some_object.some_method())
>>> assertEqual("value", some_object.some_attribute)

>>> # Mox
>>> my_mock = mox.MockAnything()
>>> my_mock.some_method().AndReturn("calculated value")
'calculated value'
>>> my_mock.some_attribute = "value"
>>> mox.Replay(my_mock)
>>> assertEqual("calculated value", my_mock.some_method())
>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_attribute)

>>> # Mocker
>>> mocker = Mocker()
>>> my_mock = mocker.mock()
>>> my_mock.some_method()
<mocker.Mock object at ...>
>>> mocker.result("calculated value")
>>> my_mock.some_attribute
<mocker.Mock object at ...>
>>> mocker.result("value")
>>> mocker.replay()
>>> assertEqual("calculated value", my_mock.some_method())
>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_attribute)

>>> # Dingus
>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus(some_attribute="value",
...                           some_method__returns="calculated value")
>>> assertEqual("calculated value", my_dingus.some_method())
>>> assertEqual("value", my_dingus.some_attribute)

>>> # Fudge
>>> my_fake = (fudge.Fake()
...            .provides('some_method')
...            .returns("calculated value")
...            .has_attr(some_attribute="value"))
>>> assertEqual("calculated value", my_fake.some_method())
>>> assertEqual("value", my_fake.some_attribute)

Simple mock

>>> # Mock
>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
>>> my_mock.some_method.return_value = "value"
>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_method())
>>> my_mock.some_method.assert_called_once_with()

>>> # Flexmock
>>> some_object = flexmock()
>>> some_object.should_receive("some_method").and_return("value").once
<flexmock.Expectation object at ...>
>>> assertEqual("value", some_object.some_method())

>>> # Mox
>>> my_mock = mox.MockAnything()
>>> my_mock.some_method().AndReturn("value")
>>> mox.Replay(my_mock)
>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_method())
>>> mox.Verify(my_mock)

>>> # Mocker
>>> mocker = Mocker()
>>> my_mock = mocker.mock()
>>> my_mock.some_method()
<mocker.Mock object at ...>
>>> mocker.result("value")
>>> mocker.replay()
>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_method())
>>> mocker.verify()

>>> # Dingus
>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus(some_method__returns="value")
>>> assertEqual("value", my_dingus.some_method())
>>> assert my_dingus.some_method.calls().once()

>>> # Fudge
>>> @fudge.test
... def test():
...     my_fake = (fudge.Fake()
...                .expects('some_method')
...                .returns("value")
...                .times_called(1))
>>> test()
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: fake:my_fake.some_method() was not called

Creating partial mocks

>>> # Mock
>>> SomeObject.some_method = mock.Mock(return_value='value')
>>> assertEqual("value", SomeObject.some_method())

>>> # Flexmock
>>> flexmock(SomeObject).should_receive("some_method").and_return('value')
<flexmock.Expectation object at ...>
>>> assertEqual("value", SomeObject().some_method())

>>> # Mox
>>> my_mock = mox.MockObject(SomeObject)
>>> my_mock.some_method().AndReturn("value")
>>> mox.Replay(my_mock)
>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.some_method())
>>> mox.Verify(my_mock)

>>> # Mocker
>>> mocker = Mocker()
>>> some_object = somemodule.SomeClass()
>>> my_mock = mocker.proxy(some_object)
>>> my_mock.Get()
<mocker.Mock object at ...>
>>> mocker.result("value")
>>> mocker.replay()
>>> assertEqual("value", my_mock.Get())
>>> mocker.verify()

>>> # Dingus
>>> SomeObject.some_method = dingus.Dingus(return_value="value")
>>> assertEqual("value", SomeObject.some_method())

>>> # Fudge
>>> fake = fudge.Fake().is_callable().returns("<fudge-value>")
>>> with fudge.patched_context(SomeObject, 'some_method', fake):
...     s = SomeObject()
...     assertEqual("<fudge-value>", s.some_method())

Ensure calls are made in specific order

>>> # Mock
>>> my_mock = mock.Mock(spec=SomeObject)
>>> my_mock.method1()
<mock.Mock object at 0x...>
>>> my_mock.method2()
<mock.Mock object at 0x...>
>>> assertEqual(my_mock.method_calls, [('method1',), ('method2',)])

>>> # Flexmock
>>> some_object = flexmock(SomeObject)
>>> some_object.should_receive('method1').once.ordered.and_return('first thing')
<flexmock.Expectation object at ...>
>>> some_object.should_receive('method2').once.ordered.and_return('second thing')
<flexmock.Expectation object at ...>
>>> SomeObject.method1()
'first thing'
>>> SomeObject.method2()
'second thing'

>>> # Mox
>>> my_mock = mox.MockObject(SomeObject)
>>> my_mock.method1().AndReturn('first thing')
'first thing'
>>> my_mock.method2().AndReturn('second thing')
'second thing'
>>> mox.Replay(my_mock)
>>> my_mock.method1()
'first thing'
>>> my_mock.method2()
'second thing'
>>> mox.Verify(my_mock)

>>> # Mocker
>>> mocker = Mocker()
>>> my_mock = mocker.mock()
>>> with mocker.order():
...     my_mock.method1()
...     mocker.result('first thing')
...     my_mock.method2()
...     mocker.result('second thing')
...     mocker.replay()
...     my_mock.method1()
...     my_mock.method2()
...     mocker.verify()
<mocker.Mock object at ...>
<mocker.Mock object at ...>
'first thing'
'second thing'

>>> # Dingus
>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
>>> my_dingus.method1()
<Dingus ...>
>>> my_dingus.method2()
<Dingus ...>
>>> assertEqual(['method1', 'method2'], [ for call in my_dingus.calls])

>>> # Fudge
>>> @fudge.test
... def test():
...     my_fake = (fudge.Fake()
...                .remember_order()
...                .expects('method1')
...                .expects('method2'))
...     my_fake.method2()
...     my_fake.method1()
>>> test()
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Call #1 was fake:my_fake.method2(); Expected: #1 fake:my_fake.method1(), #2 fake:my_fake.method2(), end

Raising exceptions

>>> # Mock
>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
>>> my_mock.some_method.side_effect = SomeException("message")
>>> assertRaises(SomeException, my_mock.some_method)

>>> # Flexmock
>>> some_object = flexmock()
>>> some_object.should_receive("some_method").and_raise(SomeException("message"))
<flexmock.Expectation object at ...>
>>> assertRaises(SomeException, some_object.some_method)

>>> # Mox
>>> my_mock = mox.MockAnything()
>>> my_mock.some_method().AndRaise(SomeException("message"))
>>> mox.Replay(my_mock)
>>> assertRaises(SomeException, my_mock.some_method)
>>> mox.Verify(my_mock)

>>> # Mocker
>>> mocker = Mocker()
>>> my_mock = mocker.mock()
>>> my_mock.some_method()
<mocker.Mock object at ...>
>>> mocker.throw(SomeException("message"))
>>> mocker.replay()
>>> assertRaises(SomeException, my_mock.some_method)
>>> mocker.verify()

>>> # Dingus
>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
>>> my_dingus.some_method = dingus.exception_raiser(SomeException)
>>> assertRaises(SomeException, my_dingus.some_method)

>>> # Fudge
>>> my_fake = (fudge.Fake()
...            .is_callable()
...            .raises(SomeException("message")))
>>> my_fake()
Traceback (most recent call last):
SomeException: message

Override new instances of a class

>>> # Mock
>>> with mock.patch('somemodule.SomeClass') as MockClass:
...     MockClass.return_value = some_other_object
...     assertEqual(some_other_object, somemodule.SomeClass())

>>> # Flexmock
>>> flexmock(somemodule.SomeClass).new_instances(some_other_object)
<flexmock.Expectation object at ...>
>>> assertEqual(some_other_object, somemodule.SomeClass())

>>> # Mox
>>> # normally we'd have access to self.mox (defining it here for the doctest)
>>> self_mox = mox.Mox()
>>> my_mock = self_mox.StubOutWithMock(somemodule, 'SomeClass', use_mock_anything=True)
>>> somemodule.SomeClass().AndReturn(some_other_object)
<somemodule.SomeClass object at ...>
>>> self_mox.ReplayAll()
>>> assertEqual(some_other_object, somemodule.SomeClass())
>>> self_mox.VerifyAll()

>>> # Mocker
>>> # (TODO)

>>> # Dingus
>>> MockClass = dingus.Dingus(return_value=some_other_object)
>>> with dingus.patch('somemodule.SomeClass', MockClass):
...     assertEqual(some_other_object, somemodule.SomeClass())

>>> # Fudge
>>> @fudge.patch('somemodule.SomeClass')
... def test(FakeClass):
...     FakeClass.is_callable().returns(some_other_object)
...     assertEqual(some_other_object, somemodule.SomeClass())
>>> test()

Call the same method multiple times

>>> # Mock
>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
>>> my_mock.some_method()
<mock.Mock object at 0x...>
>>> my_mock.some_method()
<mock.Mock object at 0x...>
>>> assert my_mock.some_method.call_count >= 2

>>> # Flexmock (verifies that the method gets called at least twice)
>>> some_object = flexmock()
>>> flexmock(some_object).should_receive('some_method').at_least.twice
<flexmock.Expectation object at ...>
>>> some_object.some_method()
>>> some_object.some_method()

>>> # Mox
>>> # (does not support variable number of calls, so you need to create a
>>> # new entry for each explicit call)
>>> my_mock = mox.MockObject(some_object)
>>> my_mock.some_method(mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg())
<mox.MockMethod object at ...>
>>> my_mock.some_method(mox.IgnoreArg(), mox.IgnoreArg())
<mox.MockMethod object at ...>
>>> mox.Replay(my_mock)
>>> my_mock.some_method(some_object, some_object)
>>> my_mock.some_method(some_object, some_object)
>>> mox.Verify(my_mock)

>>> # Mocker
>>> # (TODO)

>>> # Dingus
>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
>>> my_dingus.some_method()
<Dingus ...>
>>> my_dingus.some_method()
<Dingus ...>
>>> assert len(my_dingus.calls('some_method')) == 2

>>> # Fudge
>>> @fudge.test
... def test():
...     my_fake = fudge.Fake().expects('some_method').times_called(2)
...     my_fake.some_method()
>>> test()
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: fake:my_fake.some_method() was called 1 time(s). Expected 2.

Mock chained methods

>>> # Mock
>>> my_mock = mock.Mock()
>>> method3 = my_mock.method1.return_value.method2.return_value.method3
>>> method3.return_value = 'some value'
>>> assertEqual('some value', my_mock.method1().method2().method3(1, 2))
>>> method3.assert_called_once_with(1, 2)

>>> # Flexmock
>>> # (intermediate method calls are automatically assigned to temporary
>>> # fake objects and can be called with any arguments)
>>> arg1, arg2 = 'arg1', 'arg2'
>>> flexmock(some_object).should_receive(
...     'method1.method2.method3'
... ).with_args(arg1, arg2).and_return('some value')
<flexmock.Expectation object at ...>
>>> assertEqual('some value',
...             some_object.method1().method2().method3(arg1, arg2))

>>> # Mox
>>> # normally we'd have access to self.mox (defining it here for the doctest)
>>> self_mox = mox.Mox()
>>> some_object = somemodule.SomeClass()
>>> my_mock = mox.MockObject(some_object)
>>> my_mock2 = mox.MockAnything()
>>> my_mock3 = mox.MockAnything()
>>> my_mock.method1().AndReturn(my_mock2)                     #doctest: +SKIP
<MockAnything instance>
>>> my_mock2.method2().AndReturn(my_mock3)
<MockAnything instance>
>>> my_mock3.method3(arg1, arg2).AndReturn('some_value')
>>> self_mox.ReplayAll()
>>> assertEqual("some_value",
...     some_object.method1().method2().method3(arg1, arg2)) #doctest: +SKIP
>>> self_mox.VerifyAll()

>>> # Mocker
>>> # (TODO)

>>> # Dingus
>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
>>> method3 = my_dingus.method1.return_value.method2.return_value.method3
>>> method3.return_value = 'some value'
>>> assertEqual('some value', my_dingus.method1().method2().method3(1, 2))
>>> assert method3.calls('()', 1, 2).once()

>>> # Fudge
>>> @fudge.test
... def test():
...     my_fake = fudge.Fake()
...     (my_fake
...      .expects('method1')
...      .returns_fake()
...      .expects('method2')
...      .returns_fake()
...      .expects('method3')
...      .with_args(1, 2)
...      .returns('some value'))
...     assertEqual('some value', my_fake.method1().method2().method3(1, 2))
>>> test()

Stubbing out a context manager

>>> # Mock
>>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
>>> with my_mock:
...     pass

>>> # Flexmock
>>> my_mock = flexmock()
>>> with my_mock:
...     pass

>>> # Mox
>>> my_mock = mox.MockAnything()
>>> with my_mock:
...     pass

>>> # Dingus
>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
>>> with my_dingus:
...     pass

# >>> # Fudge
# >>> # XXX Currently failing in Python 2.7
# >>> my_fake = fudge.Fake().provides('__enter__').provides('__exit__')
# >>> with my_fake:
# ...     pass
# ...

Mocking the builtin open used as a context manager

>>> # Mock
>>> my_mock = mock.MagicMock()
>>> with mock.patch('', my_mock):
...     manager = my_mock.return_value.__enter__.return_value
... = 'some data'
...     with open('foo') as h:
...         assertEqual('some data',
>>> my_mock.assert_called_once_with('foo')

>>> # Mock (alternate)
>>> with mock.patch('') as my_mock:
...     my_mock.return_value.__enter__ = lambda s: s
...     my_mock.return_value.__exit__ = mock.Mock()
... = 'some data'
...     with open('foo') as h:
...         assertEqual('some data',
>>> my_mock.assert_called_once_with('foo')

>>> # Flexmock
>>> flexmock(__builtins__).should_receive('open').once.with_args('foo').and_return(
...     flexmock(read=lambda: 'some data')
... )                                                        #doctest: +SKIP
>>> with open('foo') as f:
...    assertEqual('some data',                    #doctest: +SKIP

>>> # Mox
>>> self_mox = mox.Mox()
>>> mock_file = mox.MockAnything()
>>>'some data')
'some data'
>>> self_mox.StubOutWithMock(__builtins__, 'open')           #doctest: +SKIP
>>>'foo').AndReturn(mock_file)            #doctest: +SKIP
>>> self_mox.ReplayAll()
>>> with mock_file:
...      assertEqual('some data',
>>> self_mox.VerifyAll()

>>> # Dingus
>>> my_dingus = dingus.Dingus()
>>> with dingus.patch('', my_dingus):
...     file_ = open.return_value.__enter__.return_value
... = 'some data'
...     with open('foo') as h:
...         assertEqual('some data',
>>> assert my_dingus.calls('()', 'foo').once()

>>> # Fudge
>>> # (This example doesn't ensure the open() is made exactly
>>> #  once like the others above)
>>> from contextlib import contextmanager
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> @contextmanager
... def fake_file(filename):
...     yield StringIO('sekrets')
>>> with fudge.patch('') as fake_open:
...     fake_open.is_callable().calls(fake_file)
...     with open('/etc/password') as f:
...         data =
>>> assertEqual('sekrets', data)

History of This Document

  • Originally created by the Mox project
  • Extended for flexmock and mock by Herman Sheremetyev
  • Further edited for use in the mock documentation by Michael Foord
  • Generalizd with doctests for all libraries by Gary Bernhardt and contributors