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Collect Old Tweets Programatically

A project written in Python to get old tweets, it bypass some limitations of Twitter Official API.


Twitter Official API has the bother limitation of time constraints, you can't get older tweets than a week. Jefferson-Henrique found a solution for it where which I credit his work here:


The package assumes using Python 2.x.

Expected package dependencies are listed in the "requirements.txt" file for PIP, you need to run the following command to get dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Tweet: Model class to give some informations about a specific tweet.

    • id (str)
    • permalink (str)
    • username (str)
    • text (str)
    • date (date)
    • retweets (int)
    • favorites (int)
    • mentions (str)
    • hashtags (str)
    • geo (str)
    • topic (str)
  • TweetManager: A manager class to help getting tweets in Tweet's model.

    • getTweets (TwitterCriteria): Return the list of tweets retrieved by using an instance of TwitterCriteria.
  • TwitterCriteria: A collection of search parameters to be used together with TweetManager.

    • setUsername (str): An optional specific username from a twitter account. Without "@".
    • setSince (str. "yyyy-mm-dd"): A lower bound date to restrict search.
    • setUntil (str. "yyyy-mm-dd"): An upper bound date to restrist search.
    • setQuerySearch (str): A query text to be matched.
    • setTopTweets (bool): If True only the Top Tweets will be retrieved.
    • setNear(str): A reference location area from where tweets were generated.
    • setWithin (str): A distance radius from "near" location (e.g. 15mi).
    • setMaxTweets (int): The maximum number of tweets to be retrieved. If this number is unsetted or lower than 1 all possible tweets will be retrieved.
  • Main: Examples of how to use.

  • Exporter: Export tweets to a csv file named "output_got.csv".

Examples of python usage

  • Get tweets by username
	tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria().setUsername('barackobama').setMaxTweets(1)
	tweet = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[0]

    print tweet.text
  • Get tweets by query search
	tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria().setQuerySearch('europe refugees').setSince("2015-05-01").setUntil("2015-09-30").setMaxTweets(1)
	tweet = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[0]

    print tweet.text
  • Get tweets by username and bound dates
	tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria().setUsername("barackobama").setSince("2015-09-10").setUntil("2015-09-12").setMaxTweets(1)
	tweet = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[0]

    print tweet.text
  • Get the last 10 top tweets by username
	tweetCriteria = got.manager.TweetCriteria().setUsername("barackobama").setTopTweets(True).setMaxTweets(10)
	# first one
	tweet = got.manager.TweetManager.getTweets(tweetCriteria)[0]

    print tweet.text

Examples of command-line usage

  • Get help use
    python -h
  • Get tweets by username
    python --username "barackobama" --maxtweets 1
  • Get tweets by query search
    python --querysearch "europe refugees" --maxtweets 1
  • Get tweets by username and bound dates
    python --username "barackobama" --since 2015-09-10 --until 2015-09-12 --maxtweets 1
  • Get the last 10 top tweets by username
    python --username "barackobama" --maxtweets 10 --toptweets


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