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KPConv PyTorch ShapeNet-Part

Apply KPConv (Kernel point convolution) for the task of shape segmentation based on the ShapeNet-Part dataset

GitHub Repo


The project is forked and developed based on HuguesTHOMAS/KPConv-PyTorch.

Gary Wei

Basically, I contributed more to the coding part.

  • I folked the sorce codes from HuguesTHOMAS/KPConv-PyTorch and re-construct it following the Cookiecutter Data Science's reproducible project structure.
  • I implemented all the pipeline for ShapeNet-Part dataset (not implemented in the Hugues' pytorch version implementation) including preprocessing data, training and testing scripts and plotting the results.
  • Tuning the hyper-parameters for the ShapeNet-Part (consumes a lot of time and gpu computing power).

Genglin Liu

I wrote network modification that includes

  1. An attempt to replace the cross-entropy network loss with multiclass soft margin loss and KL divergence (src/models/ line 298-384)
  2. An attempt to add dropout layer with probablity 0.1 and 0.2 inside each unary block in the encoder part of the network. (src/models/ line 469-500)
  3. I was responsible for writing up the written report in LaTeX and compile all the experiments we conducted into a manuscript). I also wrote the body of the slideshow presentation in the video demo

We also wrote miscellaneous scripts to train models on remote GPUs.


Please refer to and to install all dependencies.

  1. Make sure CUDA and cuDNN are installed. One configuration has been tested:
    • PyTorch 1.8.1, CUDA 11.0 and cuDNN 8.0
  2. Ensure all python packages are installed
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip python3-tk python3-virtualenv
  1. (Optional) Make a pip, or conda(not recommended), virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate
  1. Follow PyTorch installation procedure
  2. To do the training and testing task, install the following dependencies
    • numpy
    • scikit-learn
    • PyYAML
    • python-dotenv
  3. To also do the visualization task, install
    • matplotlib
    • mayavi (not compatible with conda, so pip virtual environment is recommended)
    • PyQt5
    • open3d
    • jupyter
  4. Compile the C++ extension modules for python located in cpp_wrappers. Open a terminal in this folder, and run:
cd src/cpp_wrappers

You should now be able to train Kernel-Point Convolution models


  • Only works on Linux, encounter strange type issue when running on Windows 10.
  • Tested on Ubuntu 20.04, RTX 2060(6G), CUDA 11.0 + cuDNN 8.1.
  • Recommend at least 32G RAM memory and 16G GPU memory to perform all tasks. Works well with a single Nvidia Tesla T4 GPU (AWS ec2 g4dn.2xlarge instance)

Prepare the datasets

  1. Follow to download the dataset.
wget --no-check-certificate
  1. (Important) Make a .env to declare the environment variables for the path of the dataset. A .env.template is provided in the repo.

Train the model

Please refer to and for details.

To repeat the S3DIS Scene Segmentation task

python3 -m src.models.train_s3dis

To do the Segmentation task on ShapeNet-Part Dataset

python3 -m src.models.train_shapnet_part --ctg <category> --in-radius <in_radius> --feature-dim <in_features_dim>


  • <category>: which category of the objects to be trained on, Airplane, Car, Chair, or Lamp, default Airplane
  • <in_radius>: Radius of the input sphere, default 0.15
  • <in_features_dim>: dimension of the input feature, 1, 4, or 5, default 4. Refer to the report for more details.

To repeat the architecture modification experiments

Manually change src/models/ line 34 to

from src.models.architectures_alternative_losses import KPFCNN

Then follow the instruction above to train the model.

Test the model

Similar to the original source code implemented in HuguesTHOMAS/KPConv-PyTorch, we use the same validation set and testing set. So an easy way to see the validation result in to add the path of previous_training_path in src/models/ line 220 and run the training scripts.

The testing scripts provided by HuguesTHOMAS/KPConv-PyTorch is to perform a voting test, which means it takes really a long time before the test finishes if the performance of the model isn't ideal.

To perform the voting test

  1. Change the checkpoint path at src/test/ line 98.
  2. In src/test/, you will find detailed comments explaining how to choose which logged trained model you want to test. Follow them and then run the script:
python3 -m src.test.test_models

Plot the results

When you start a new training, it is saved in a results folder. A dated log folder will be created, containing many information including loss values, validation metrics, model checkpoints, etc.

In, you will find detailed comments explaining how to choose which training log you want to plot. Follow them and then run the script :

python3 -m src.visualization.plot_convergence

The saved results

All results are saved in the results folder. For this project, the Log_2021-05-11_06-21-18


Structure of the project

Please refer to the document of Cookiecutter Data Science for the structure of the project.


3D Part Segmentation on ShapeNet-Part






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