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Ubuntu Server Configuration Recipe

NOTE: This guide does not cover the actual installation of Ubuntu. Use at your own risk. Basic configuration is applied here - DYOR.

Basic configuration commands to have your Ubuntu Server up and running on production.


Update And Upgrade

  • sudo reboot Restart and wait for some time and the Linux server will reboot itself
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get upgrade

And sometimes:

  • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

New Distribution?

If there is a new release upgrade:

  • do-release-upgrade

Enable Firewall

UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) is installed by default on Ubuntu. If it has been uninstalled for some reason, you can install it with sudo apt install ufw.

  • sudo vi /etc/default/ufw. Check IPV6=yes
  • sudo ufw reset
  • sudo ufw status verbose. Should show inactive
  • sudo ufw default deny incoming
  • sudo ufw default allow outgoing
  • sudo ufw allow ssh or sudo ufw allow 22. Allowing Secure Shell (SSH)
  • sudo ufw enable
  • sudo ufw status verbose. Should show active

Allowing Other Connections

  • sudo ufw allow http or sudo ufw allow 80. HTTP on port 80, which is what unencrypted web servers use.
  • sudo ufw allow https or sudo ufw allow 443. HTTPS on port 443, which is what encrypted web servers use


Install Further Tools

  • sudo timedatectl set-timezone UTC. Set Timezone UTC/GMT+0
  • sudo apt-get install net-tools to install tools for commands like ifconfig -a (network interface) and netstat
  • sudo apt install openssh-server. You should already have this installed so this command won't do anything

Install Further Applications

Angular (and Node.js)

  • curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -. Download Node.js
  • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs. Install Node.js
  • sudo npm install -g @angular/cli. Install Angular CLI


PostgreSQL Server (Dev version for extensions)

  • sudo apt install -y build-essential libaio1 Install the required packages: build-essential & libaio1
  • sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list' Add the repository that provides PostgreSQL 14 on Ubuntu
  • wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add - Import the GPG signing key for the repository
  • sudo apt -y update Update your APT package list
  • sudo apt install -y postgresql-14 postgresql-server-dev-14 Installing Postgres 14

Oracle Client

  • sudo mkdir /opt/oracle Create a directory for the installation and go to the directory
  • sudo wget Download Oracle Client files
  • sudo wget Download Oracle SQLPLUS files
  • sudo wget Download Oracle SDK file. (Optional)
  • sudo apt-get install unzip Installing unzip
  • sudo unzip -d /opt/oracle Unziping client
  • sudo unzip -d /opt/oracle/ Unziping sqlplus
  • sudo unzip -d /opt/oracle Unzipping Oracle SDK
  • nano ~/.profile Configure SQLPlus
  • export PATH="$PATH:/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_7" Copy and paste this line to the end of the file
  • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_7" And then copy and paste this line too to the end of the file
  • source ~/.profile Execute
  • sudo sh -c "echo /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_7 > /etc/" Add Oracle shared libraries to the system's shared library cache
  • sudo ldconfig Indexing the library cache
  • export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/instantclient_21_7 Set ORACLE_HOME as /opt/oracle/instantclient_21_7
  • sqlplus [USER]/[PASSWORD]@[IP:PORT]/[SERVICE_NAME] Test the connection to Oracle

Update the Operating System

  • sudo apt update Access the package servers and check to see if any of your installed packages have new versions available.
  • sudo apt dist-upgrade Install the updates. This will show you the list of packages that are about to be updated, and if the total installation size is large enough, it will show you the size and prompt you to confirm that you accept.
  • y Ensure that you have enough space available to do this, then press y and Enter to begin the update process.
  • sudo apt autoremove Clean up any old versions of packages that were just replaced
  • cat /var/run/reboot-required Check if your system needs to be rebooted. If the command prints No such file or directory, then reboot is not required and you can skip the reboot. However if the command prints *** System restart required ***, then you should restart your machine to finish applying the updates when you are able: sudo reboot



Ubuntu Server Installation Recipe






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