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Node Shopify App

Dummy Public App for Shopify built with Node Includes Embedded App SDK


  • node.js >= 6.11.0
  • mongodb >= 3.2.9
  • npm >= 5.0.0


  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. run npm install
  3. Edit config/development.js and config/production.js and add any API keys as needed.
  4. Start developing!

Setting up your app in the Partner Settings.

Expose your application to the internet using something like ngrok then in your config/development.js file set your APP_URI variable to be whatever ngrok defines for you.

Then you'll need to set up the app in partner settings. If you don't know how to do this yet follow this part of the shopify tutorial:
Don't forget to enable Embedded APP SDK

  1. Set the Application URL to be https://<config.APP_URI>.
  2. Set the redirecteion URL to be https://<config.APP_URI>/install/callback
  3. If you plan on having an app proxy set up then configure the app proxy url to be https://<config.APP_URI>/proxy. This will serve any files over it as liquid.
  4. Once you have created your application copy the API Key and Shared Secret and either set them locally on your system or use a .env file as SHOPIFY_API_KEY and SHOPIFY_SHARED_SECRET respectively. (If you're using a .env file don't forget to check it's added to your .gitignore file).
  5. Make sure you can install the app.
    You can check this by visiting https://<config.APP_URI>/?shop=<myshopname>. Alternatively you could make your app active but invisible on the app store by going through the partner dash and then installing via the app dashboard.
  6. When the app is installed it will redirect to <myshopname><config.APP_STORE_NAME>.If APP_STORE_NAME isn't set then it will redirect to just /admin/apps.


Inside the config/ directory there are three files

  • development.js - Development only configuration variables
  • index.js - Global configuration variables
  • production.js - Production only configuration variables

This is where you'll place any configuration variables you'll need or any references you'll need to environment variables later on. When the app is initalised it checks where process.env.NODE_ENV is set to production or not and will load the relevant configurations.

Default configuration located in config/index.js variables are:

  • SHOPIFY_API_KEY - Your apps API Key. Generated when you set up the app and required to run and install the app
  • SHOPIFY_SHARED_SECRET - Your apps secret key. Generated when you set up the app and required to run and install the app.
  • APP_NAME - The name of your app. Can be left blank if you'd prefer to hardcode it in.
  • APP_SCOPE - The parts of the Shopify API your app will want access to. See below for a list of possible scopes. This is required to install the app. You must have at least one scope permission.


Debug mode

To start the app in debug mode simply run npm run debug. This will start the app on port 3000 with debugging turned on. You can access the app by visiting localhost:3000

Also available is npm run debugwatch which will start nodemon and allow you live-restart your server whenever you make changes.

Production mode

You can start the app in production mode by running npm start or npm watch.

Note: You must set the environment variable PORT to whatever port you wish to run your production server on. (80, 8000, 8080, etc) If this is not defined app will run on port 3000 like in development mode.


There are two util commands available:

npm run cleardbs - Which runs ./utils/cleardbs.js and removes any entries in the databases you specify. By default it's set up to remove entries from Shop and Counter.

npm run seeddbs - Seeds databases using your settings inside ./utils/seeddbs.js. Currently the only database it seeds is Counter.


Routes can be found in the routes/ folder in the root directory of the app.

File Route Description
index.js / Any non-app related endpoints should go here (General website endpoints such as /about, /contact, etc).
install.js /install/ Where you should place any methods relevant to the installation of you app. This is also where you should set up any 'post install' methods such as setting up webhooks or adding files to themes.
webhooks.js /webhooks/ Where you should place any requests to webhooks. This includes a middleware that checks to see if a webhook has made a legitemate request from Shopify.
api.js /api/ Where you should place any api endpoints you wish to use for your app if you plan on having front end components.
proxy.js /proxy/ Where you should place any proxy related routes. This is handy if you set up an app proxy when setting up your app. This will serve any files sent from it as liquid which allows Shopify to pass liquid objects to the files and allows you to use liquid inside your templates.


Node Shopify App uses handlebars as it's template engine.

Views are located in the views/ folder and while some use a shared layout.hbs file you are under no obligation to use this file and your .hbs files can contain it's own html head and body. At the moment views are split into their current folders. The embedded app markup is located inside apps/app.hbs. Anything located in the root views/ folder is for general use while index.hbs is what a non-shop should see if they visit https://<config.APP_URI>

Application Scope

When you develop an app you must tell Shopify and the store owner what parts of the store you want to access and modify.

To declare application scope you can edit the APP_SCOPE variable in config/index.js by listing your scopes seperated by commas.

Helper Functions

There are a number of helper functions available in helpers/index.js these make tasks that might need to be repeated multiple times simple and quick to save time.

Function Arguments Returns Description
openWebhook shop(Shop) Accepts a Shop object from mongoose and returns a new ShopifyAPI session.
buildWebhook topic (String)
address(String, default: APP_URI/webhook)
callback(err, data, headers)
callback || Boolean Creates a new webhook on the Shop you're currently working on. Once complete it fires the callback passed to it.
generateNonce length(Int, default: 8) String Generates a random string of characters to represent a nonce that meets Shopify's requirements for app installation
verifyHmac data (String)
hmac (String)
Boolean Generates a hash from the passed data and compares it to the hash sent by Shopify. Returns true or false
verifyOAuth query (Object) Boolean Takes a request query and checks to see if it's a request from Shopify. Returns true or false

Available scopes

These are the available scopes for your application

  • read_content, write_content
    Access to Article, Blog, Comment, Page, and Redirect.
  • read_themes, write_themes
    Access to Asset and Theme.
  • read_products, write_products
    Access to Product, product variant, Product Image, Collect, Custom Collection, and Smart Collection.
  • read_customers, write_customers
    Access to Customer and Saved Search.
  • read_orders, write_orders
    Access to Order, Transaction and Fulfillment.
  • read_draft_orders, write_draft_orders
    Access to Draft Order.
  • read_script_tags, write_script_tags
    Access to Script Tag.
  • read_fulfillments, write_fulfillments
    Access to Fulfillment Service.
  • read_shipping, write_shipping
    Access to Carrier Service.
  • read_analytics
    Access to Analytics API.
  • read_users, write_users
    Access to User SHOPIFY PLUS.
  • read_checkouts, write_checkouts
    Access to Checkouts.


Skeleton Shopify App for Node.js







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  • JavaScript 93.7%
  • HTML 5.6%
  • CSS 0.7%