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Result Options

General options and

--features      -F live|4k|hd|subtitles|cc|360|vr180|3d|hdr|location|purchased  
                   you can add one (ie -F live) or more (ie -F live -F hd) features from:
                    * live                  - only include live videos
                    * 4k                    - only include videos with 4k resolution
                    * hd                    - only include videos with high definition
                    * subtitles             - only include videos with subtitles or close captions
                    * cc                    - only include videos published under creative commons licence
                    * 360                   - only include 360 degree videos
                    * vr180                 - only include virtual reality 180 degree videos
                    * 3d                    - only include 3 dimensional videos
                    * hdr                   - only include videos with high dynamic range 
                    * location              - only include videos with geolocation tagging
                    * purchased             - only include videos you have purchased
--items         -i any|videos|channels|playlists|movies - what items to search for - default: videos
                    * any                   - results may include videos, channels or playlists
                    * videos                - results must contain videos only (default)
                    * playlists             - results must contain playlists only
                    * channels              - results must contain channels only
                    * movies                - results must contain movies (videos tagged as movies)

--length        -l any|short|medium|long - length of videos to include in search results 
                    * any                   - videos of any length (default)
                    * short                 - videos less than 4 minutes long
                    * medium                - videos from 4 to 20 minutes long
                    * long                  - videos longer than 20 minutes

--order         -o relevance|age|views|rating - order of results - one of 
                    * relevance   - in order of relevance to search term
                    * age         - in age order, newest to oldest
                    * views       - in order of view count, most to least
                    * rating      - in order of like/dislike rating (1 to 5)

--period        -P hour|day|week|month|year|any - search result period - default: day

--query         -q string - provide a search term - default: "video"

--quantity      -Q number - if available the number of results will equal or exceed this number - default: 100

Download Options

General options and

--audioFormat   -A number - specific audio stream number to download - default: -1 (use preference algorithm and
                   fallback streams)

--audioQuality  -a highest|medium|lowest|none - audio quality preference - none for video only - default: medium
--container     -C any|mp4|webm|mkv - provide your container preference - default: any
                    * any                   - no preference between mp4 (h264 with aac) or webm
                                              (vp9 with opus) (default)
                    * mp4                   - prefers mp4 codecs to webm codecs when quality is equal
                    * webm                  - prefers webm codecs to mp4 codecs when quality is equal 
                    * mkv                   - no preference and can additionally allow mixed formats 
                                              (vp9 with aac) or (mp4 with opus). 
                    * mp3                   - force audio only download and convert aac/opus to .mp3
                    * flac                  - force audio only download and convert aac/opus to lossless .flac

--features      -F live|4k|hd|subtitles|cc|360|vr180|3d|hdr|location|purchased  
                   you can add one (ie -F live) or more (ie -F live -F hd) features from:
                    * live                  - only include live videos
                    * 4k                    - only include videos with 4k resolution
                    * hd                    - only include videos with high definition
                    * subtitles             - only include videos with subtitles or close captions
                    * cc                    - only include videos published under creative commons licence
                    * 360                   - only include 360 degree videos
                    * vr180                 - only include virtual reality 180 degree videos
                    * 3d                    - only include 3 dimensional videos
                    * hdr                   - only include videos with high dynamic range 
                    * location              - only include videos with geolocation tagging
                    * purchased             - only include videos you have purchased
--filename      -f string - supply a filename - you can use the following placeholders in your filename string, 
                   such as:
                    * ${audioCodec}         - aac or opus
                    * ${author}             - channel display name
                    * ${channel}            - channel id of video
                    * ${date}               - YYYYMMDD - published date for video
                    * ${datetime}           - YYYYMMDD HHMMSS - published date & time for video
                    * ${id}                 - video id        
                    * ${timestamp}          - unix timestamp - seconds since the epoch, published timestamp for video
                    * ${title}              - video title
                    * ${videoCodec}         - h264 or vp9
                    * ${videoQuality}       - i.e. 1080p, 360p, etc
                    * ${...}                - you can use any other video/channel/search info properties
                   Default filename: "${author}_${datetime}_${title}_${id}_${videoQuality}_${videoCodec}_${audioCodec}"

--items         -i any|videos|channels|playlists|movies - what items to search for - default: videos
                    * any                   - results may include videos, channels or playlists
                    * videos                - results must contain videos only
                    * playlists             - results must contain playlists only
                    * channels              - results must contain channels only
                    * movies                - results must contain movies (videos tagged as movies)

--length        -l any|short|medium|long - length of videos to include in search results 
                    * any                   - videos of any length (default)
                    * short                 - videos less than 4 minutes long
                    * medium                - videos from 4 to 20 minutes long
                    * long                  - videos longer than 20 minutes
--limit         -L number [number] - limit concurrent downloads (default 10) and the total number of downloads (optional)

--mediaBitrate  -M highest|lowest - prefered bitrate when quality of two streams is equal - default: highest

--metadata      -m author|title|description|keywords|published|comment|key [string] - video property to embed in 
                   downloaded file - one or more (i.e. -m author -m title) of  
                    * author          - reflects as AUTHOR in webm/mkv containers, as artist in mp4 containers
                    * title           - reflects as TITLE in webm/mkv containers, as title in mp4 containers
                    * description     - reflects as DESCRIPTION in webm/mkv containers, as description in mp4 containers
                    * keywords        - reflects as KEYWORDS in webm/mkv containers, as synopsis in mp4 containers
                    * published       - reflects as DATE in webm/mkv containers, as date in mp4 containers
                    * comment text    - custom text, reflects as COMMENT in webm/mkv, as comment in mp4 containers
                    * key value       - custom key, custom value. key must be a single word without spaces
                   [string] is required for a comment metadata, and if specified for any other metadata fields its value  
                   will be used to override the fetched video property. 

--order         -o relevance|age|views|rating - order of results - one of 
                    * relevance   - in order of relevance to search term
                    * age         - in age order, newest to oldest
                    * views       - in order of view count, most to least
                    * rating      - in order of like/dislike rating (1 to 5)
--overwrite     -O yes|no - whether to download existing files again.
                    * yes - video will be downloaded again and overwrite the existing file.
                    * no - video downloading will be skipped. (default)

--path          -p string - video download path. Defaults to the current directory. 

--period        -P hour|day|week|month|year|any - search result period - default: day

--query         -q string - provide a search term - default: "video"

--quantity      -Q number - if available the number of results will equal or exceed this number - default: 100

--subtitles     -b string - specify subtitle languages to download as .srt files if available. Use comma separated 
                   language codes, for example 'es,es,ja' for english, spanish and Japanese. See * link below for codes.
--videoFormat   -V number - specific video stream to download. Default: -1 (use preference algorithm and fallback streams)

--videoQuality  -v highest|1080p|720p|480p|medium|360p|240p|144p|lowest|none - video quality preference - none for
                   audio only - default 1080p


Get the 40 most viewed short "soccer" videos in the past month

>ytcog-dl --result --query "soccer" --quantity 40 --order views --period month --length short
>ytcog-dl -r -q "soccer" -Q 40 -o views -P month -l short

Download the top 10 videos of the previous query

>ytcog-dl --download --query "soccer" --quantity 40 --order views --period month --length short --limit 10 10
>ytcog-dl -d -q "soccer" -Q 40 -o views -P month -l short -L 10 10
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