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These Questions are selected from various online coding websites to learn Algorithms for using in Competitive Programming.

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Competitive-Programming Preparation

These Questions are selected from various online coding websites to learn Algorithms for using in Competitive Prorgamming, but can be used for:

  • Competitive Programming
  • Practicing for Interviews
  • Improving Algorithmic Thinking
  • Practicing for College Class
  • FUN
_PS: I am saying "Any programming language" but in this course mostly I used C++ and python some C.


In this course we will use some tools for the questions. As I mentioned above all of these questions already exists, we just highlight them so that you can reach better. Here are the websites/tools that we use through this course:


  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Priority queue
  • Hashmap
  • Linked List
  • Trees
  • Heaps
  • Advanced Trees
    • Tries
    • Segment trees
    • Fenwick tree or Binary indexed trees
    • RMQ
  • SQRT Decomposition
  • Disjoint Data Structure
  • C++ STL (optional)


  • Number Theory

    • Prime Numbers (Sieve of Eratosthenes)
    • GCD and LCM Euclid’s Algorithm
    • Modular Exponentiation
    • Long arithmetic (Multi, Add)
    • Efficient Prime Factorization
  • Combinatorics(Probability-Combinations-Permutations-Matrix..)

  • Computational geometry

    • Primitive Operations
      • Intuition
      • Polygon Inside, Outside
      • Implementing CCW
      • Immutable Point ADT
    • Convex Hull
    • Closest pair problem
    • Line intersection
  • Sorting

    • QuickSort
    • Counting Sort
    • Merge Sort
  • Searching

    • Binary Search
    • Ternary Search
  • Graph Theory

    • Depth First Search (DFS)
    • Breadth First Search (BFS)
    • Dijkstra’s Shortest Path
    • Minimum Spanning Tree
    • Ford Bellman
    • Floyd Warshall
    • LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor)
    • Max Flow / Min Cut
  • Dynamic programming

    • Knapsack
    • Matrix chain multiplication
    • Coin Change
    • Kadane
    • Longest increasing Subsequence (with RMQ)
  • Strings

    • Z algorithm
    • Suffix Trees/Arrays
    • Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm (KMP)
    • Rabin-Karp Algorithm
    • Hash
  • Bit Manipulation

  • Game theory

    • Nim game
    • Grundy numbers
    • Sprague-Grundy theorem
  • Optional Advanced Algorithms

    • AVL Trees
    • Graph Coloring
    • Mo's Algorithm
    • Palindromic Tree
    • Heavy Light Decomposition
    • Dynamic Programming by Profile
    • Rod Cutting
    • Topological Sorting
    • DP with Bitmask - Dynamic Programming
    • Diobhantine Equation - Math
    • Flood Fill - Graph

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System Design

Computer Science News

New to programming; follow these resources:

* Codecademy
* Freecodecamp
* Progate
* Cs50 by Harvard university


These Questions are selected from various online coding websites to learn Algorithms for using in Competitive Programming.






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