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To run the code we need to directly put all the dependencies (which I have mentioned in the System Requirements parts) and then run the Main class main function and UI will start.
After Running main function I have already inserted the username and Password for admin which is USERNAME: - ADMIN and PASSWORD: - ADMIN (both case insensitive)
After entering to the admin mode, you can see the different functionality.
System Requirements
To execute the below project, you will need the following business requirements:
• MySQL Community Server
• MySQL JDBC Connector
• Java
• rs2xml.jar
The rs2xml jar is used to display the data in a table format. So, once you create a project in Eclipse IDE, you have to import the rs2xml jar and JDBC connector JAR into the project.
To do that, right-click on the project, choose Build Path -> Configure Build Path. In the dialog box, which opens, choose Add External JARs, and add the JAR files.\n

Download the project setup the xml file and dependencies.

  1. Enter the project and go to the main file and do the changes for database username and password for , , , ,
  2. Setup the path for Book.csv and Borrower.csv file.
  3. Run the main function in Main class.
  4. Enter username and password as ADMIN (both are same for username and password).
  5. After going to ADMIN mode use the functionality whatever required.