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gautamkrishnar committed Jan 29, 2016
1 parent a2cd7e2 commit 64c9ea4
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62 changes: 60 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,2 +1,60 @@
# Be-Like-Bill
Be Like Bill meme generator and API created with PHP, Using this API you can include customized version of "Be like Bill" meme on your website.
# Be Like Bill
Be like Bill is an online platform that allows you to create your own "Be like Bill" Memes. Its really simple and easy to use. It also has an API to create and use Be like Bill memes on your website.

![Be like bill](

Just go to: and create random meme with your n. If you want to use your own text, use the API.

#### Features
* Create be like bill memes with your name
* Memes changes with user's sex
* Easy to use API for using your own customized version of Be like Bill meme on your website

### Be Like Bill API Guide
Be like bill API allows you to use your own customized version of Be like Bill memes on your website. For using Be like Bill API, you just need to call the API script by providing suitable arguments via POST.

The API script is located at:

If you need to include a random meme to your website just use:

<img src=" />
If you need to include a random meme with your name to your website just use:
<img src=" />

If you need to use your own Be like Bill meme with your oen customized text just use the following:

<img src= is Bill%0D%0ABe Like Bill" />
You must use `%0D%0A` for newine.
##### List of options
* **default** - Set this to 1 if you need to use the predefined memes
* **name** - Set this to your name if you need to use your name on a predefined meme. Works only if default is set to 1
* **text ** - Use your own text in the meme.
### Bugs
If you are experiencing any bugs feel free to open a new issue [here](
### Contributing
Feel free to make any changes. We need some more memes to make Be like Bill a lot more awesome. Edit the **billgen-API.php** and **billgen.php** to add more memes. Submit a new pull request with your changes.
###### TODO
- [ ] Ability to use more characters other than Bill, like Della
- [ ] Add more memes
### Contributors
Your name will be listed here....
### Spread the word
If you liked this project, please dont forget to star this repo and spread the word.
Binary file added arialbd.ttf
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Binary file added bill-ovl.jpg
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181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions billgen-API.php
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* Created with <3 By Gautam Krishna R
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
$text="Use:\nbillgen-API.php?default=1 :- To generate meme from \ndefault text.\n\n"
. "billgen-API.php?default=1&name=sanu&sex=f :- specifies \nthe name\n"
. "and sex. Generate the input based default memes.\n\n"
. "billgen-API.php?text=your text here :- Generate meme \nusing"
. "your own text. use '%0D%0A' for newline. \n"
. "eg:billgen-API.php?text=Bill is smart%0D%0ABe like Bill";
$def = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'default');
$name = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'name');
$sex = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'sex');

// Result array
$memlist=array("This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill has an I-pad to take photos\n"
. "He knows the the camera's crap\nand he doesn't want to look like a\n"
. "complete knob\n\n"
. "Be smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill is on the internet,\n"
. "Bill sees something that offends him.\n"
. "Bill moves on.\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill likes to play games with his nephew\n"
. "Bill lets him win almost everytime\n\n"
. "Bill cares.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill loves his friends.\n"
. "But he doesn't post selfies with them with 'XOXO'.\n"
. "He shows them, he loves them by being nice\n"
. "to them.\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill wakes up and sees snowing outside\n"
. "Bill doesn't feel the urge to post status\n"
. "about it on Facebook because\n"
. "he knows his friends also have windows\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill smokes weed.\n"
. "Bill doesnt't forget good manners \n"
. "and education.\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill proofreads his Facebook posts\n"
. "before he sends them\n\n"
. "Bill is awesome.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill meets Della\n"
. "Bill loves Della\n"
. "Della loves Bill\n"
. "Bill and Della dumps social networks.\n\n"
. "Bill and Della are happy.\n"
. "Be like Bill and Della.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill isn't an online dating creep\n"
. "Bill likes the romantic way\n"
. "\n\nBill is gentleman.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill knows the difference between\n"
. "they're, there and their.\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill updated his Facebook profile picture\n"
. "Bill didn't beg people to click like\n"
. "so that he gets a lot of likes.\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill\n\n"
. "Bill is having a funny conversation with\n"
. "a friend on whatsapp\n"
. "Depite this, Bill doesn't screenshot it\n"
. "and post it on social media.\n\n"
. "Bill keeps some things for himself.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n"
. "Bill travels a lot.\n\n"
. "Bill doesn't check in in every places\n"
. "he goes because,\n"
. "he likes to actually enjoy the places he visits.\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill has a girlfriend\n"
. "Bill has a smartphone too\n"
. "Bill gives more time to his girlfriend\n"
. "rather than his smartphone.\n\n"
. "Bill is caring.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill sees your profile picture has only\n"
. "3 likes\n"
. "Bill presses like.\n"
. "Bill also comments with a compliment.\n\n"
. "Bill is a good friend.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill\n\n"
. "Bill brought a new car, but Bill doesn't\n"
. "post its picture tagging Bella and 49 others\n"
. "because people get irritated by it.\n\n"
. "Bill is wise.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill\n\n"
. "Bill knows tomorrow is Monday\n"
. "Bill doesn't post about it, cause he knows\n"
. "it happens every week\n\n"
. "Bill deals with it.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill\n\n"
. "Bill can afford a Macbook but\n"
. "he gets a PC instead because,\n"
. "Bill is not a dumbass\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill has always been kind with everyone.\n\n"
. "Then he recovered.\n\n"
. "Bill is smart.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill doesn't talk to a friend when that\n"
. "friend just woke up.\n\n"
. "Bill knows.\n"
. "Be like Bill.",
"This is Bill.\n\n"
. "Bill knows it's saturday.\n\n"
. "Bill calls his mother and tells her\n"
. "he loves her.\n\n"
. "Be like Bill.\n"
. "Bill cares."
// Randomizing results
$text = $memlist[$ran_mem];

// if user inputs his name
$text = preg_replace('/\bBill\b/', $name, $text);
$text = preg_replace('/\bbill\b/', $name, $text);

// if bill is female
$text = preg_replace('/\bhis\b/', 'her', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/\bHis\b/', 'Her', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/\bhe\b/', 'she', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/\bHe\b/', 'She', $text);
$text = preg_replace('/\bhimself\b/', 'herself', $text);

else if(filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'text')) {
$text=filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'text');

$img = imagecreatefromjpeg('bill-ovl.jpg');
$clr = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
$font_path = 'arialbd.ttf';
imagettftext($img, 18, 0, 30, 100, $clr,$font_path, $text);

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