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OpsLyft Assignment 1

  • Dockerized a flask hello-world application that takes message from an env variable and pushes it to AWS ECR
  • Set up a CI workflow (on this repository) that runs pylint on the python files in this repo on any push
  • Setup a CD workflow to deploy the given image onto ECS on EC2 or fargate
  • Bonus: Check if code has secrets in CI pipeline
  • Bonus: Configure ECS for auto-scaling and load balancing
  • Bonus: CI to check code quality

In short, Dockerise and deploy a flask 'hello world' app with CI/CD workflow to deploy and check code quality and secrets

Stage 1

Dockerize a simple Hello World Flask Application which responds with a message that is set up as an environment variable and deploy the docker image to AWS ECR.


Stage 2

Develop a CI/CD pipeline(Github Actions/Jenkins or your own choice) which would lint the python code and push the updated image to ECR.
This repo has pylint CI workflow on Actions for python versions >= 3.8

Defined in the lint workflow

Stage 3

Please create a Github repository with the application code, Dockerfile and the CI/CD workflows.
Bonus: ECS could be configured for autoscaling and/or load-balancing. CI pipeline could check the code quality or are there any secrets in the code.

Workflow defined in the aws workflow builds the image and pushes it to ECR repo and deploys onto an ECS service which is configured for load balancing as well

The container is currently deployed and is running on


There are 3 defined workflows

  1. Deploy to ECS (triggered on any push to the repo except on readme file)
  • builds docker image from root directory, pushes it to ECR and uses the image to deploy on ECS
  1. Pylint (triggered on all pushes that change or create python files)
  • Lints the python code, exits with a non-zero value on any lint score < 10
  1. Check for Secrets (triggered on all pushes that change or create python files, except the code that does the checking for secrets ./
  • Code is checked for explicit secrets such as api keys or secrets by the driver code in ./ , exits with a non zero value if secrets are found